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  1. Going Oklahoma St -2 tonight.
  2. Are tickets cheap? Preliminary research showed them at $50 and up. I was hoping to walk up for around $20 or less for GA but maybe I’m living in 1997. Part of the appeal would be to see multiple games a day for 7+ days. But couldn’t do that if I’m getting stung at the box office each time.
  3. The way I play: The primary goal is to get all 9 and be immaculate. Secondary goal is to go as low as possible with the rarity. A third goal which corresponds to the second is to avoid the most common answers. I call these the “basic bitch” responses. I like to have as few basic bitches as possible. UNLESS you’re feeling really frisky that day and want to Shoot the Moon and pick the most common answers for each square. If you do that you win all the points. Anytime I bypass a for sure right answer for a maybe to improve my rarity and miss, I call it, “getting too cute”. If I ever l miss on a stat category I immediately call the player I guessed a bum, fag, or loser. I can’t tell you how many All-Stars and Hall of Famers I’ve called bums because I didn’t know their stats well enough. This is all normal, right?
  4. Haha, your rarity still beat mine. 193 here.
  5. Was it “EarlyBird”? Does that ring a bell
  6. We should tell Oregon State to come here and UH can play a doubleheader today.
  7. Has anyone ever done Spring Training? Do you know if the same teams go to cactus and grapefruit every year or do they mix it up. Always been a bucket list type trip for me. Can’t make it this year but maybe in the next 2-3.
  8. Who was the frequent Shaggy/Surly poster whose avatar was Ben Gazzara from Buffalo 66? “Only Fools Rush In” I had seen that pic countless times due to his posts before seeing the movie. When that scene played it hit me like a ton of bricks and I still get goosebumps thinking about it.
  9. Based on my ratings and the Letterboxd definition of romance
  10. Thank. You. JimmyJazz.
  11. Yep. So I’m the only one who liked this tradition? Well fuck all you hippies 😂
  12. I would have liked the team veterans to be supportive of the tradition and bring the youngsters into it, rather than push for a change.
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