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Everything posted by CfRhTxStBobcats

  1. What I don't understand is if he's going to Baylor why the hell doesn't he just announce it. It's not like it's going to be a big splash. Hopes of a better offer maybe.
  2. I have to. I took a viagra then my wife decided to fall asleep while I was waiting to see who was committing.
  3. Who is it around here that doesn't like chick's sticking their tongue out? I have to believe young QE doesn't feel the same. I'm sure he'll have plenty at the ready.
  4. He gets a pass on this one. Unless the KY is for jelly and not Kentucky.
  5. 25% of the state was 512 until late 80s I'm guessing. Austin to the valley was all 512 for years.
  6. I choose to believe there's a play on words in there. Come on man! He capitalized Dignanty.
  7. Unfortunately I've met plenty of motherfuckers from Arkansas. They were assholes to boot.
  8. Love Sam but it sucks that QE already has a bigger bank roll.
  9. I'm an idiot. The place is red but it's The Hungry Farmer and its still there. No idea if it's still any good.
  10. Years ago there was a place called Red Barn I think. Haven't eaten there since the 80s but cfs was awesome. Probably not there anymore. Believe it or not Alamo Cafe had a pretty decent cfs.
  11. I'm guessing username checks out? Don't know how you could be around that many cfs and not be pushing 3 bills.
  12. Where's the damn gravy? If they served that to me you can bet I'm asking for a side bowl.
  13. I hear you! This board not a great place for a weak heart right now. Crazy thing is I'm 6' 180 with low body fat. No way in hell I thought I'd ever have a heart attack.
  14. Damn you for posting that pic! Had a heart attack 3 weeks ago and this is off my menu things to eat list. That looks like one hell of a breakfast.
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