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Everything posted by CfRhTxStBobcats

  1. Thomas Fletchers dad must have given Tosh a bag of money.
  2. I watched this for 30 minutes before I realized it was about an 8 second loop.
  3. My PSA is off the charts last 2 tests, so much I had a biopsy done and it came back a 4+3 7 on the Gleason score. Sorry, wrong kind of PSA. Lol. Well guys, my PSA is keep an eye on your PSA. Caught mine in time but not looking forward to treatment when/if comes to it.
  4. I have a thing for hot black chicks, hot white chicks, hot brown chicks, hot Asian chicks, well I guess hot chicks in general seem to be my thing.
  5. O/U how many bottles of liquor are sent to Sark after first loss that should have been a W.
  6. I just want to know how Bijan feels about the hire. Please don't enter the portal, if he does it's officially a disaster.
  7. There's something very similar looking about .25 miles on the south side of I-10 just a little west of Katy. It looks abandoned like this place.
  8. My sincerest apologies to everyone for asking.
  9. Where's futureman? If I had to lay money on it I'd bet it won't be Urban, but the lack of futureman has me wondering. Hopefully he's practicing fist to ass.
  10. Not worried, Urban will make the correct decision.
  11. Let's say Clemson drops a 50-3 win over OSU. Does OSU come to CUM and ask him if he wants his old job back? In this case do you want Day? What percentage of the OSU fan base would take Urban over Day? Im guessing its pretty damn high. I know there's less than a .0001% chance, just throwing it out there.
  12. I do find fault in the pic. Panty lines! Why is she wearing panties? No bra, no panties.
  13. Ah, I see you covered yourself with the bold type. My apologies
  14. How do you know his wife isn't having wine with the neighbors
  15. Still think the guy is an Urban myth peddler.
  16. You a-holes have me smoking my first brisket this morning. Merry Christmas to all your wives and girlfriends, oh and of age daughters also!
  17. Tom has aggied 3 games this season, it hurts to say that.
  18. More than players with rap sheets I'm sure.
  19. Dallas vs Houston. I'll take $500 for 2 cities I don't give a shit about Alex. And I was born in one and lived in both. I never got the competition, they're just 2 overcrowded, Urban-sprawl cities that I wouldn't care if I ever had to set foot in again. Unfortunately I'm probably stuck in Houston for the next 9 years and will probably make 50 trips to Dallas in the same period. Come on Urban, give me a reason other than work or fun to go to Austin again.
  20. If only we were after Elon Musk to coach.
  21. I hope shits about to go down rather than being down with the same old shit!
  22. It's time to abort this entire season, senseless it even try and have a playoff. Say Bama beats Clemson by a fg but Lawrence out with covid again (if that's possible) will anyone not want to put an asterisk by that championship? Better yet, OSU gets in and beats Clemson without Lawrence in a close game, no way in hell I think OSU is better. Get the gotdam season over and get THs career at Texas over, UM or no UM. Preferably with UM of course.
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