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Everything posted by SuingToGetAMessageBoard?

  1. Hm. Good point. They actually say in the first movie that they are about the same age.
  2. G A R B A G E every thing was the dollar store version of the first one. Every actor, every plot point, every line of dialogue.
  3. People talk about Germany’s crippling financially after WWI leading to WWII because of the economic results of various treaties and what not. Doesn’t seem that accurate to me because they were a wealthy prosperous nation in the 1920s — the Weimar Republic started and ended in financial turmoil, but the middle wasn’t at all. They just got crushed by the Great Depression.
  4. just popped up on my linkedin. not sure she really thought this through.
  5. I have a friend of a friend that posts flat earth stuff on facebook. Some of the stuff is biblical in nature, which I hadn't heard of before. So after decades of hearing about flat earth stuff, I've just come to the realization that people are doing it as a defense of some religious belief.
  6. amusing take from Texas Monthly. The theory: Briscoe is chair because the more moderate Speaker knows his incompetence will keep something from being passed.
  7. Average error 6.3 points. V v useful in a world where everything is decided by 3 points. Basically not able to fix anything that went wrong in 2016 (we uh didn’t weight for education last time! We’re on it now!) despite having the experience of 2016 to adjust from.
  8. this technique I think is interesting. I’m from a small town of MAGA retards so stuff like this comes across my Facebook when a former hs classmate comments on the article. This particular one had a comment saying something like “more liberal Democrat lies!” or some such. I click on the link and glance at the other comments and it is thousands and thousands of similar reactions. if you read the article, it basically says the traits that make one walk briskly are also traits that indicate general health that would ward off serious sickness. Youth, vitality, energy reserves, what have you. No claim of causation between fast walking and COVID protection. but I think it is intentional. They know no one can be bothered to actually read the article, and they know their audience cannot distinguish between causation and correlation. So the headline writers grab this study and post it in a vague way to make a sub-80 iq reader think causation is being argued as bait to have it laughed at.
  9. Came back to watch this again. Paired with your reaction it’s absolute gold.
  10. I am ABSOLUTELY NOT going to go find a cash machine.
  11. Paul Thomas Anderson is that way for me. All of his movies get a look because of boogie nights. But I didn’t really love any of the other ones, including super successful and praised ones like there will be blood, and I straight up walked out of inherent vice. But still, if a PTA movie was released tomorrow it would be must see no questions asked.
  12. Cam Barker strikes down eviction moratorium. says that it isn't interstate commerce but general police power of the state. https://www.dropbox.com/s/qt71rci75p5znj4/Texas ruling.pdf?dl=0
  13. You know what it smells like? Pine oil. That is where you are heading, pine oil heaven.
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