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Everything posted by SuingToGetAMessageBoard?

  1. when someone says "times it," they probably aren't very good at "timesing it."
  2. lol. stewart is an excellent talent: 'bipartisan is trump and afd.'
  3. oh, no no no. didn't you read, it was beads that caused the windows to break.
  4. i doubt this. we will absolutely keep selling weapons. the buyers will change though
  5. um. i think they both do.
  6. claustrophobia is stupid. let santa marry who he wants.
  7. just tried to watch the monologue. made it about halfway through. i don't really know how to say it sucked. he is obviously right leaning so maybe just too much of that has soaked into his comedy now and it turns me off more than most. it's not like i haven't laughed at him generally in a lot of stuff before though. but those were some weak couple minutes. i closed it after the 'have you ever had sex with a black guy' joke. i think that is just aimed at 19 year olds in general so i'm so far out of the target audience it just hits me as uncomfortable. unfortunately, not 'uncomfortable farley interviewing jeff daniels,' but 'uncomfortable dumb kid having to present in front of the class.'
  8. If you sit through the credits you’d understand. Evidently the only people that didn’t work on this movie were you and me. Bingo.
  9. I get bored with super hero fights because there is no tension. Everyone is invincible. My kids had a good time though. one thing stuck out to me. “The president wants Bob and I to come to the White House” or something. Poor grammar made it through that many folks working on it? It’s not like it was intentional because that’s part of Cap’s character or something.
  10. Bolton says 2. https://www.yahoo.com/news/point-resign-former-u-national-220229216.html
  11. I watched Crimson Tide last night and his honor. It’s very Tony Scott. Hackman definitely the best part.
  12. i really like all the sports highlight videos people are putting together where Skyfall plays in the background
  13. what does mummification mean here?
  14. Enemy of the State is funny because at the time it was cool and ominous. Now? You say "of course they're watching everything I do."
  15. Hollywood won’t make a single film this year that would rank in his top 5.
  16. if we enter a deal with russia to take ukranium's aluminum, i'll call up my buddy lee harvey and get to work.
  17. I think everyone in Europe is just hoping that they can stall until a new congress in 2027 or new president in 2029. They'll want NATO to renormalize.
  18. i could provide witness testimony on two of those. I texted my buddy the other day that i think i get about 2/3 of the stated mileage at highway speeds, and i was explaining the phantom breaking to one of my kids the other day. the latter seems to be a new phenomenon. i think it must be something in one of hte software updates.
  19. I was witness this the one. I was in high school english class and we were going over latin and greek roots. 'ped' is one that has a few different meanings. it can mean 'foot' -- pedal, pedicure. it can mean child - pediatrician. it can mean other stuff too. anyhow, teacher was droning about the various words. everyone is doodling on their notebooks and whatever, not paying attention. teacher wants to demonstrate combination of roots - ped (child) and agog (leader) -- to talk about him being a teacher (pedagogy/pedagogue). so he declares in the clearest of voices, trying to combine those roots: "i, for instance, am a pedophile." my head shoots up from my desk, no one else reacts. he looks right at me processing what he just said. "that is NOT what i meant!"
  20. what shay you fuzzy britchesh?
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