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Everything posted by SuingToGetAMessageBoard?

  1. hm. supporting cast was key to the first one. supporting cast looks like they provide zero here.
  2. no one is worried in the 'worried' sense. it is the theatrics of it, imo. 1) you just did he's not confessing he's bragging. 2) I never really understood that line. I sort of thought it was just gosling's character being a fast talker even though it doesn't really make sense.
  3. i think it's weird he hasn't come forward before, and only know enough to infer it was because he wants his book payday, but i'm optimistic. he was embarrassed by trump in something he holds himself in high regard about. i bet he has no love for the admin. his reason for not coming forward could be as simple as a non-disclosure agreement with his publisher he signed, who has the same profit motive. execute that before impeachment comes around and it doesn't feel that fishy.
  4. Combine it with the educated/uneducated split, I think it just means uneducated men really love Trump.
  5. just read this wapo article, which is confusing and only mildly illuminating. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/09/19/more-voters-are-registering-than-dying-but-differences-by-state-could-shape/ but, it includes this figure, which is useful. black circle is number of deaths (ed -- scaled to the number of new registrants), pie chart is new registrations with party preference (usually, registering as a democrat or republican, but some states don't do that so they have other proxies).
  6. another paragraph from that article that caught my eye: In four years, Boomer and older died off 8.8MM. If you assume a slightly increased death rate as those generations age -- say, increase it to 9MM for the four years between 2016-2020, at a 5-4 Trump advantage to those people, which is about where it was, you get a trump deficit of about 700,000. So by demographics alone with new Gen Z voters and death of boomers+, you are looking at doubling Hillary's 3MM popular win to about a 6MM spread.
  7. demographics talk gives me warm fuzzies for the last two years. it's why i said for a while there is no way trump wins 2020. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/05/29/gen-z-millennials-and-gen-x-outvoted-older-generations-in-2018-midterms/ that is from the midterm, where i think wave effects are amplified, but it still shows a nice trend. the olds' days are over. my favorite part of the article was this though: 4.5 MM votes by Gen Z in a midterm. What is it going to be in a presidential year? When there are two more years of Gen Z voters? How many of those votes is trump going to get? 60? for real though, if it is 2-1 for that group against trump, which is probably the most generous interpretation in trump's favor of the data, you are looking at over a 2 MM vote deficit from that group alone.
  8. Why doesn't / didn't he do the middle class tax cut for real? He doesn't care about anything close to sound fiscal management. Just go to 20% effective rate for the middle 60% of the country, bankrupt us in 4 years, but he'll be very popular in the interim.
  9. nailed it. my real contribution is the two guys from y tu mama tambien. of course, diego luna was a main character in a star wars movie, so its not like he is still trying to break through. but I liked him before that and was pleased when he was cast in such a blockbuster movie. gael garcia bernal was the voice of the dad in coco. i think because y tu mama tabien was so big here (as far as foreign language films go), people thought bernal would be a legit A-lister. hasn't really worked out that way but I still like him.
  10. perfect phone call, KAG, liddle' adam schiff. i think he's lost his fastball when it comes to branding.
  11. most that have the ability to get a gig with bendini lambert and locke do exactly that. if you are one of the unlucky to need to be assigned counsel, hope that you get one of the ones that do it as their mission, and not the ones that do it because that's the gig they could get.
  12. what if i told you the democratic candidate will win utah?
  13. it already did... and it already did. see rutherford b hayes's election ending reconstruction.
  14. if there is any scenario where FL will help, FL will not help.
  15. surly pointed this one out to me. it is always the people that uniformly vote republican that say both sides are bad.
  16. user name does not check out. also, so long as the NC Republican party exists, NC will have a suspicious R+5 super bonus due to Tammany Hall level corruption.
  17. I believe we are up to 93D chess. Ukraine announcing opening the investigations. uh, about Trump tied stuff.
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