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Everything posted by SuingToGetAMessageBoard?

  1. I did not find the continued amicable relationship through the process to be realistic.
  2. dude lived his life with the name smallwood. cut him some slack.
  3. are the canopies really that clear or is there a lot of work done on those images?
  4. Re: roundly mocked moment of silence in honor of the 63MM trump voters whose voices were silenced by the impeachment process. . . . . he is right. they knew they were voting for this sort of behavior in 2016.
  5. remember that when your opportunity game to argue why the President shouldn't be impeached, you resorted to distracting by posting made-up nonsense. you should ask yourself why that is. why is it so difficult to post real information about why he shouldn't be impeached.
  6. Stay. Do not run off. I need to hear your side's thoughts on this. Everything I get is just a quick quip designed to be a mic drop. I want to hear actual thoughtful consideration how you reach your conclusions.
  7. can you believe that someone in 1998 would look at the republicans trying to oust a president for an affair and call it a partisan coup d'etat? that is definitely hypocritical with supporting impeachment for conduct that undermines national security and election security for an electoral advantage.
  8. shows what you know. my kids have been BEGGING for Rose Tico action figures.
  9. They did a better job of rigging the game last time, in a better environment for rigging the game last time. This isn't that hard.
  10. I think there is compounding effect too. Everyone wanted TLJ to be decent like TFA, and were able to convince themselves it was, and gave initial reviews that fell in line with that. Now that TLJ Sucks is in the air, it gives permission to say RoS sucks.
  11. Watching JJ Abrams tell that bullshit story was such cringe.
  12. i think the story is that rudy and some corrupt ukrainians had been working on trump to can her for a while before that.
  13. it makes my eyes bleed reading something like this right under the white house seal. it's incredible. https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Letter-from-President-Trump-final.pdf
  14. I'm starting to think some of these Trump supporters aren't that bright.
  15. It's a bad telling of history. There are a 1000 events between Reagan and now that are more responsible for the shit we are in. People took a message and stretched it to fit ideological ends from someone that wasn't an ideologue. The post-Reagan right wing propaganda machine (Rush/Newt/Fox) are the ones more responsible.
  16. I know this guy. He was ostracized and never worked in politics again, even as the party basically acknowledged Nixon was a crook. Party Uber Alles.
  17. i think i remember that guy lecturing at a conference on emerging techniques in microneurography mapping. impressive fellow.
  18. Warn him that Jamaica is full of foreigners.
  19. the last round number we got to see florida go florida
  20. saul rubenik making multiple appearances on this thread.
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