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Everything posted by SuingToGetAMessageBoard?

  1. does he tweet about mass shootings that don't involve foreigners?
  2. I'm on board with the blow it up. The look is so generic.
  3. i forgot ralph fiennes is in these. he's always great.
  4. I feel like the move will have to be back to the right in the house because so many of the thin late breaks went left last time. Some of those seats seem like they have to be lost.
  5. is it even legal for private citizens to provide evidence? i'm pretty sure every trial ever has only involved government officials.
  6. https://texassports.com/news/2019/12/3/volleyball-fields-named-big-12-freshman-of-the-year.aspx
  7. He's good at GOTV efforts, so having him in would be good for downballot stuff, if nothing else.
  8. eggbert still has not changed his plea tho.
  9. it's the party hackery. it's no better than what we get on the other side. Point of Order I walked into a McDonald's for the first time in many years and they were blasting Fox news at 11. I thought that was about right.
  10. uh yeah. did you not read the article. he's pleading guilty for the kids.
  11. A light year is a measure of distance, so I’ll allow it.
  12. Molly Phillips with the straight zeros in the stat sheet despite playing four sets. Is that accurate. Also, \m/ on the Big XII title. Our banners don’t need a gap.
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