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Everything posted by SuingToGetAMessageBoard?

  1. Yeah, having a hood on is a pretty strongly correlated with voting R.
  2. I like that we’ve now had three of these and Trump had no role in any. McCain, GHWB, Cummings.
  3. lulz. not just 'won't' but 'not invited'
  4. i can't tell if this is a retarded poll or a retarded tweeter. polls are scaled to population based on a million different assumptions. no one* just polls people and reports the result. either this poll was adjusted and this dude doesn't know what he's talking about, or this poll is hot garbage and shouldn't lead with a claim of what "Americans" think. This is like a poll saying "New Poll shows 98% of Americans approve Trump!" (sample: greater amarillo)
  5. it's gotta be a no, right? He knows there's no way he can keep from looking like an idiot and that's his least favorite thing.
  6. Artists rendering: --------------------------------------------------------------- | ASTROS PLAY BOOK (CONFIDENTIAL) | | 1) Swing from your heels | | | | | | | | | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------
  7. anyone have a wsj subscription so i can read the 2 dumb 2 crime op ed? https://www.wsj.com/articles/schiffs-secret-bombshells-11571872974
  8. Kevin Kruse tweeted something similar the other day as Slade's map. I spot checked the one thing I knew about: the largest mass lynching in US history was about 5 miles from where I grew up. Confederates lynched 41 Union sympathizers. Not on either of those maps. Don't know what the means, but it is odd. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Hanging_at_Gainesville
  9. Yesterday somebody on here pointed out that he referred to half of the population as human scum. Today people on Twitter are all up in arms about it. I have to say that level of Trumpiness does not even register with me anymore. I saw the tweet and thought it was the most ordinary thing he done that day.
  10. that painter on sixth street upping his game.
  11. sounds like he is paraphrasing an written document, which as we all know, deserves censure and/or impeachment.
  12. ? its all throughout the testimony. “Mr. Sondland told Mr. yermak that security assistance would not come until President Zelensky committed to the Burisma investigation”
  13. in addition to being interesting corruption stuff, it is just cool to peek behind the curtain about how international relations work.
  14. this is fucking riveting reading. lulz at bolton being the moral compass.
  15. says that Sondland is the one that told him military aid was dependent on the investigation. i hope Sondland testified to that yesterday, but it seems like we'd know about that if he did.
  16. you're going to take the word of some lib who is [checks notes] a west point grad who served in nam and went to the kennedy school?
  17. One thing I like is that Trump positioned himself forcefully “no quid pro quo,” implicitly admitting that was a line you cannot cross. All the right wingers echoed it. Mulvaney tried qpq is v cool and v legal, but it was too late to go that route. now there is an actual target to shoot at.
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