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Everything posted by SuingToGetAMessageBoard?

  1. It is someone’s opinion that Trump will voluntarily turn down millions and millions of sets of eyeballs on him on TV.
  2. the bad news is it doesn't track the newhart finale.
  3. That’s information that could have been useful over the last few months and saved me a lot of anger.
  4. a bit of coincidence. i also would like hannity to be in a migrant concentration camp.
  5. "[LBJ] had the right, but not the ability" - Ron White.
  6. Also, lulz at whatever you're implying about the Cubans being aligned with Rs. I think we all know why they are, and it's not particularly relevant to any other group.
  7. I'd believe that. I think the house D advantage stays pretty much the same indefinitely going forward, so I can see people looking at being the minority. I just don't think it has anything to do with Trump like these articles are trying to make out.
  8. a dude one time said something racist half a century ago in the middle of the civil rights era. it ended up on tape. on things i evaluate reagan's role in our country, i'd place something he said to one person 9 years before he was president pretty far behind probably everything else that appears on his wikipedia page right now.
  9. it doesn't make sense that they'd retire now. they serve out their term anyway, then there is a very good chance trump is not around for the next term.
  10. Also hate th cliche of a Washington DC thriller always having establishing shot of someone exercising in front of some iconic monument or something.
  11. Yeah. Poor expository dialogue is my pet peeve. Saw How to Lose a Guy in 10 days with my wife. This is the first scene: You know that editor from Sports lllustrated that you have been shamelessly flirting with on the phone for... whoo, a month now?
  12. It was the “work first time in their long lazy careers” that made me call bs. Too partisan against their own side.
  13. I’m not one to scream fake news but those “anonymous Republican strategist“ quotes seems like they were probably sourced from that guy in season five of the wire.
  14. whatever gets them to the polls. social pressure to do so is an unmitigated good.
  15. That doesn't seem to be the overall picture. The yoots are going to save us. It's not same old same old any more. The sheer size of Millennials and Gen Zs swamp the differences in voter participation rates of the olds. Young people hate R, there are a ton of young people, and suddenly they actually vote. Following the trend lines here (midterms, but whatev), I wouldn't be surprised if Gen X on down outdoes the olds by 10MM votes in 2020.
  16. the mission was so secret, no distress signal was sent.
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