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Everything posted by SuingToGetAMessageBoard?

  1. DDL has been spending his days solving 4 minor pandemics in preparation for the role. He spends evenings staring for three hours in an unflinching trance at a medical diploma with his name on it.
  2. get a room, you two. but also stay six feet apart in there.
  3. I have a feeling that approval number is headed to, oh, about 42%
  4. This rings true to me. It seems like my right wing friends are taking this seriously, despite the popular portrayal of republicans intentionally flouting the rules. The golfers making a show of shaking hands / squeezing in together stories, beachgoers, and UT spring breakers seem to be more the exceptions than the rule.
  5. Can’t let the world know our aircraft carriers wouldn’t be able to adequate respond to an attack.
  6. that's where you are wrong kiddo. x died? thank goodness 2x didn't die, like they would have without trump.
  7. it's a mere continuation of his "all base, all the time." truck nutz guys will love it. loved him already. no one else cares.
  8. Listen here, my mick limey frog kraut meatball frozen windmill dam canuck ozzie senor senhor cheese eating friend, I'm gonna make so much trouble for you you won't know what hit you!
  9. "Guys, call it off. You can't have gatherings of 10 or more." "No, no. Give me a sec. It's about to be 9."
  10. talk about blowing it, dad. you had a legitimate way to keep your daughter from spending a full week in pound town and passed it up.
  11. That Ted Koppel Sean Hannity thing they end with is one of my favorite bits in news history.
  12. I'm Czech, my wife is Irish. I let each of my kids pick which one they wanted to be. Not really clear what I should have put otherwise.
  13. yeah, that's definitely what she was saying.
  14. that's one thing we actually did do
  15. I'll concede there is an underlying assumption that we'll elect people that care if we all die.
  16. Keith Jackson's "Ah yes, how sweet the wine" was when I said, yep, time to put this guy to pasture.
  17. counterpoint: turnout trumps everything. if people are getting warm feelings for trump, voter enthusiasm goes up, turnout goes up a percent or two.
  18. good stuff. they make me sad. it's minstrel show level debasement.
  19. a lot of the blame is on biden. people view trump have no baseline. biden's invisibility gives nothing to contrast against.
  20. DeSantis has really monkeyed this up.
  21. that's fucking interesting man. just when everyone is re-posting the michael lewis stuff about the trump administration skipping all the transition meetings.
  22. My two retarded maga siblings (both aggy) faceberked this today: [accompanied by pic of trump looking down solemnly] It just amazes me. At some level I just say the best that can be assumed about Trump fans is they are very gullible. But this even goes beyond this. Trump doesn't even try to present himself as empathetic. They are "gullible" for a trick Trump isn't even trying to pull.
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