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Everything posted by GoPokes83

  1. Total dumbass and prone to violence as a young man. Who knows how many fights I’ve been in, but it’s a ton. After I got out of the service the second time and realized just how easy it is to get permanently fucked up from a random street fight I calmed my ass down and I’m downright Ghandi-esque today. Just a couple of obvious scars so I guess I did ok, but if you’ve never had your ass kicked then you’ve never been in many real fights.
  2. Satan has a job to do too.
  3. Just imagine if he knew how to throw a punch
  4. Never underestimate our ability to pull off the Poke Choke. I think we win out, but knowing us we’ll blow out UCF get a huge jump in the polls and then trip over our enormous dicks at Houston.
  5. Fuck ‘em…Fuck them!!! Everyone handles their business for the next 3 weeks and we’ll get to play one more time.
  6. Shit happens in every game, to every team
  7. Damn one percenters are ruining the curve. You live in the land of milk and honey, I’m stuck here in the ditch of beans and tortillas.
  8. That mouth looks like she’s got a cheese grater in it.
  9. So is this the first time burrito eating has ever been timed? Seems pretty slow for a world record after seeing those competitive eaters knocking back hotdogs or sooner fans eating pretty much anything at the Tx State Fair.
  10. After looking at random Facebook posts of women (adults) in Halloween costumes at different functions I’m more convinced than ever that the FUPA has ruined society as we knew it.
  11. Careful. Had my brand new one in my front pocket before the case for it showed up in the mail and cracked the screen picking up a freaking 30 pound bag of cat food and putting it in a grocery cart!
  12. Didn’t deed, or change the sheets?
  13. Well shit, die happy! Not saying mainline anything but eat that bacon and have a couple extra beers, you’re going to kick it at some point no matter what you do.
  14. Well shit, die happy! Not saying mainline anything but eat that bacon and have a couple extra beers, you’re going toanyway at some point.
  15. Probably already mentioned, but the Kia Sportage commercial where an Eagle that just happens to fly only along roads and easily drivable trails steals a cell phone and the woman somehow avoids getting her face taloned off while grabbing it out of the nest, even though that’s really how I wanted it to end. (Run on sentences are what all the cool kids are into these days!)
  16. Came here to post this. Jason Alexander is way better than this, “Hey, remember me? I’m that guy from that thing!” commercial.
  17. Well shit it was armed, obviously self defense.
  18. GoPokes83

    Getting old sucks

    Ortho Urgent Care? I gotta move closer to civilization.
  19. Looks like a potato peeler to me. Odd
  20. KPRC has decided to go with Great Value Eugene Levy and Meghan Markle on their new 10 AM newscast. Sofia Ojeda is pretty hot though.
  21. Godfather Part 2
  22. Edit: it’s this Friday
  23. Another guy I would have lost a bet on that he was still alive. RIP
  24. My wife says she really wants to see this thing when it opens next week. I may hold out for some old school special attention before I agree! I told her that Priscilla’s an Executive Producer on it so there’s no way she’ll get any kind of real story about what a complete pedo ol’ E was by dating a 9th grader but she’s fairly adamant. I even pulled out the she was only 3 years older than our daughter is now card to try and get out of it but it looks like this is where we’ll be. Any way this thing will be worth watching?
  25. I graduated HS at the absolute apex of Disco, wasn’t a big fan but I listened to it because it was what they played on our one local radio station. There was a ton of really bad pop music in the 70’s, but listening back KC and the guys weren’t that bad, they were fun and had upbeat stuff. They weren’t the Beatles, but they definitely were better than The Captain and Tennille
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