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Everything posted by GoPokes83

  1. Gat dang son, you play them one more time for the foreseeable future and you’re getting that permanently inked on your skin?
  2. I’ve been yelled at for expressing this exact thought.
  3. You can special order at Taco Bell?
  4. Probably not yours.
  5. I basically eat like I live in Mexico, but the tostada confuses me. How are you supposed to eat it? Pick it up like a big flat messy taco that’s going to break on the first bite? Chop it up and try and balance the tortilla pieces and toppings on your fork? I usually just eat the toppings and then pick up the soggy tortilla and eat it. And secrets I’m missing out on?
  6. Why is lightning a mature subject?
  7. https://themessenger.com/news/spider-capable-of-causing-permanent-erections-shuts-down-entire-supermarket Erection causing spider shuts down supermarket
  8. Some scientist has already programmed that slime robot for sex purposes.
  9. GoPokes83

    Getting old sucks

    If I make it I’ll be 68.
  10. Read this and had to check that my phone camera wasn’t on.
  11. Just how much gas would it take to do that? How long would you have to leave it uncapped and pouring out of a 1/2 inch gas line. Couldn’t they smell it?
  12. City of God for the lord knows how many time. Easily has to be one of my top 8 movies of all time.
  13. Austin area guys bought our local marina and immediately bought two giant wrapped “I’ve got a baby dick” boats very similar to this one. The average depth of our bay is probably 4-7 feet. Of course they have the matching wrapped lifted trucks, and park them in the handicapped parking to keep them from being scratched.
  14. Enjoy smoking that turd in Hell!
  15. GoPokes83

    Getting old sucks

    That’s nice
  16. I’ve seen this quite a few times. It’s a popular thing to do, apparently there’s a good size pool right there with minimal current going through it. I mean, I’m not doing it.
  17. Fuck me, just great. The amount of bullshit in that self description is simultaneously impressive and nauseating.
  18. Reason 824 on the list of why I’m not a cop. After the first fuck you I’m not leaving I’m tazing her and watching that fantastic rack jiggle when she hits the floor. No ACAB, but I’m thinking if this were a man with any type of perma-tan they’re not standing back 15 feet and begging him to leave for 10 minutes while he’s talking about the plane exploding on takeoff.
  19. There are zero State of Texas jobs where you go to your boss and say “I’m having a medical emergency and I need to go to the hospital” and they won’t let you go, and unless you’re already on some type of disciplinary probation there’s also no way you’d be fired and it’s doubtful you would even be then. It’s not much of a Union, but it’s still a Union job. Unfortunately with her symptoms the miscarriage was probably going to happen either way, and I’m sure that will play into the state’s defense and how much she ultimately gets as a settlement.
  20. Why didn’t she just clock out and leave? Not excusing the lady’s bosses at all, but if I’m having a stroke or heart attack I’m not going to finish my shift just because some Lumbergh tells me it’d be great if I stuck around.
  21. Shit happens when you don’t pay your rent.
  22. Coffee table
  23. Large acreage neighborhood no big deal, quarter acre house against house and it’s some bullshit!
  24. Flat brim cowboy hat guy and I probably won’t be amigos.
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