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Everything posted by GoPokes83

  1. I usually start at 20% plus for tipping, but if you’re going to try and force an amount on me you’re probably gonna be really disappointed with what I wind up actually giving.
  2. Watched a show about military dogs. 9/10 that dog’s going to win a fight! You get one of those Belgian Malinois coming at you full speed and you’ve got a millisecond to get in a damaging kick or other first shot before it’s on you and they’re trained to evade your attempt to fight it. If you miss with your first try you’re screwed. Pretty good chance it knocks you down and then you’re really in trouble. If the fight lasts long and you’re lucky it’ll leave you with enough muscle and sinew that they’ll be able to save your arm, but how many guys are going to be able to effectively continue to fight while having a quarter of their limbs or more being shredded? I also learned that all military dogs are NCO’s and outrank their handlers.
  3. Can’t argue with that!
  4. Morbidly obese women who make absolutely no attempt to show even the slightest pride in their appearance or even basic hygiene who sport giant tattoos on their thighs, backs, etc. Ladies, it ain’t helping! (Wal Mart trip this morning…)
  5. Dodgers coming through when they don’t have to. https://dodgersway.com/posts/dodgers-renew-contract-extend-extremely-kind-gesture-to-former-of-andrew-toles-01gvndfgrp2w
  6. Carrying around a cello while playing it looks very difficult.
  7. Propane guys will only fill them if they are under a certain age. If they’re old and in good shape you can get them recertified for another 5 years but that costs 10-15 bucks. However no matter how old or what kind of shape they’re in you can always exchange them at Wal Mart or wherever and get a newer one. 10 buck an hour dude don’t care!
  8. I played baseball through college. I’ve never even seen an entire cricket match yet somehow think I would have dominated at it because of my (meager) baseball skills. What’s the difference in the skill set and why don’t Spanish speaking people rule the sport the way they do MLB? I’ll hang up and listen.
  9. There’s a wall of bullshit before you get to the actual recipe (another thing that makes me surly!) but here’s how to make your own taco shells. Looks pretty simple. https://www.slenderkitchen.com/recipe/oven-baked-taco-shells
  10. I’m sorry I ruined your black panther party.
  11. Pro tip: Don’t exchange them. They only fill the Blue Rhino’s etc. with about 3 gallons of propane. Getting it filled at a propane dealer you get 4.7. They’ll fill the exchange company’s bottles too.
  12. It’s going to be pretty difficult to win with them. Mercenaries are a finite resource, especially if you’re using WW2 “We’ve got millions of men, just rush the tanks” tactics.
  13. No way my wife would quietly clean any one of those.
  14. Well… yeah
  15. Monkeys had obviously seen their YouTube channel.
  16. Yet another job I’m not suited for.
  17. I wore a hooded sweatshirt to my MRI yesterday. Hood down of course. It was cold and if I own a winter coat I don’t know where it would be.
  18. So can the teacher not stop her when she’s approaching the guy with the brick for some reason? Some policy to just call security after he gets murdered?
  19. It’s the hair helmets and Magnum stache’s Drinking beer was legal at 18 when I started college. Completely different bar scene on the strip. Kids today are missing out.
  20. I read somewhere that Demi has moved in with Bruce and his family supposedly to help out with his care. You’d think he’d have plenty.
  21. 12 Years a Slave. It’s a tough watch if you’re from the South, or a decent human being. I knew Brad Pitt was in it, didn’t know he produced it. Most of my family on my dad’s side owned slaves, quite a few of them. If I could find a time machine I’d probably go put a bullet in every one of them. But then I’d never be born so I couldn’t go back in time to kill them, yada yada, yada…
  22. Save you a search
  23. My kid was going on about how beautiful Caroline Collins from Fox26 Houston looks. Don’t know what it is about her, maybe she reminds me of someone from my past that was an asshole to me or something, but she annoys the shit out of me for some reason. Tons of bikini pics online if you’re inclined.
  24. Pretty sure he’s posted there in case any Negro’s try to enroll.
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