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Everything posted by GoPokes83

  1. Take a gander at the size of that little sucker puncher.
  2. Teachers should conceal carry.
  3. I’d love to throw whatever the fuck this thing is into a wood chipper if it meant I’d never have to see it again!
  4. What if they’re the same thing?
  5. I’ll watch it tonight on Prime Time Anytime on Dish
  6. True. If they make it 2020 something on the show.
  7. Teacher just standing there not doing shit
  8. I thought global warming was causing the ice to break up.
  9. The Facebook days
  10. I’m giving Night Court one more chance tonight. I see American Auto is following it. I saw it was on last year but at a glance it didn’t look like something I’d be interested in. If it’s been around at least two seasons it must be somewhat popular with some demographic. Anyone watch it? What’s it about and is it any good?
  11. Hot pictures aside, this is the face you’re going to see every day. I vote derp as well, unless it’s the OP’s kid or something, then she’s lovely!
  12. Lucky and Luanne are dead, everyone else alive? Kinda sad it’s on Hulu, don’t know why though
  13. Regular season whorns beatdown is out, but we’re getting a shot at all four newbies. Thank God no trip to Lubbock, fuck those guys!
  14. They’re not wrong about modern DLR he’s pretty cringe! From a few years ago…
  15. No surprise I found it enlightening? I had no idea we were acquainted… You name a select few blockbusters as some kind of proof that Hollywood is a “Money making machine” when in fact 80% of movies released in the US lose money. I watched the movie last night and it wasn’t good. Had a couple of laughs but they were working too many angles and trying to touch too many CR bases.
  16. I’m no Breitbart fan, but this was a pretty good take. Sorry for the fb link https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02azLLFgcF9rWroZiCXkUW9tXvNiE8BG9mrGpfgKW3hGFTPm2X7upPpEoYhhrRKxkrl&id=95475020353&mibextid=uc01c0
  17. Hey, Katrina was only 18 years ago, it’s still not safe to go back!
  18. Even by 1970’s standards the larger of the two Honey’s can’t dance for shit! I finally have to trade in my old Ram this week. Picking up a new Rocky Ridge edition on Wednesday after they install the bed liner and floor mats. I actually use the 4 wheel drive pretty much every week from spring til fall because the boat ramp I prefer is steep as hell and slick. My small local dealer actually has a lot of inventory to choose from after only having 5-6 pickups on the lot forever. Paying way more than I ever thought I would for a 1500, but I use the crap out of it every day and keep them forever so why not.
  19. Beta? Ok Mike, sure…. Second sentence first post you responded to, “I really don’t feel the need to purchase Britbox”. And saying I’d like to maybe try a British show makes them beloved how? No Google required to have a fucking memory of watching Lovejoy reruns with my dad from 20 years ago. And triggered? That makes 2 douchey buzzwords in one post! An excellent effort!!
  20. A Go Fund Me? For some reason I always think people who’ve been in a bunch of stuff are wealthy. She was a young looking 45! Poor woman!
  21. Red Peters wants his schtick back!!
  22. Douchbagsayswhat? I clearly stated I don’t really want to purchase the Britbox app in my original post, but I’d like to see a few of the more popular British shows to see if I enjoyed them. IIRC when BBC America first launched they carried exclusively British content, however they no longer provide that broadcasting and haven’t for many years. PBS carries BBC World News, as does my Sirius XM radio, so I’m good on that content but feel free to go fuck yourself on that one, and Dish only offers BBC America in any tier of their service. So while there is a BBC Select(?) app that provides documentaries and limited programs, a quick internet search doesn’t show any major cable or satellite system in the US offering regular BBC programming, so fuck you and your grandma directly in the goat ass! Anything else?
  23. Could there have been anything better in the 2000’s than riding in the Cash Cab and driving by Joey Greco busting someone on Cheaters?
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