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Everything posted by GoPokes83

  1. Battleground from 1949 is one I can never pass up. The best years of our lives is one of the best movies ever made.
  2. I need to hear more about this crock pot migas casserole.
  3. Like New Orleans and urine.
  4. Dark Shadows was the shit when I was a little kid. I had a glow in the dark Barnabus Collins poster in my room that scared me to death!
  5. Any big time movies you’ve never gotten around to watching, or refuse to watch for some reason? I’ve never seen Titanic, Pretty Woman, or The Notebook to name a few. No real reason why, other than I know how the Titanic winds up, I don’t like Julia Roberts and just never got around to The Notebook.
  6. It can’t be because the movie, or Smith’s work in it weren’t great https://fandomwire.com/this-really-rams-it-home-will-smith-reportedly-cant-fathom-being-utterly-humiliated-after-emancipation-golden-globes-oscar-snub/
  7. I see ads every day for companies that will give you a letter from a doctor saying your dog/cat/pig, whatever is a service animal so you can take it into any store or restaurant, on a plane, and can have it in any housing situation regardless of their regulations. Just answer like 3 questions online, no training of the animal required. Makes me ragey because it gives a shit name to actual, trained service animals.
  8. Saw this morning that on this day in 1888 Van Gogh cut off his ear. Can’t imagine how much that would have hurt.
  9. Pretty sure mine if I were bringing home an MLB paycheck.
  10. Maybe hit the lift button?
  11. Someone tried explaining baseball to him but he had no personal experience.
  12. Unfortunately not Mad, or National Lampoon…. Damn I’m old
  13. A bunch of slow dancing white guys version of basketball. Sure, why not?
  14. Much sooner, rather than later people are going to be”WTF were we thinking” when it comes to Pete Davidson.
  15. Watched Four Christmases with the wife yesterday. Not a huge Vince Vaughn fan, but it was much better than I expected, and Reese Witherspoon was in her prime! Not on my favorite list, but still good.
  16. Bed Caves Star Hill Ranch, where they filmed the Pierce Brosnan miniseries The Son, and some Bobby Flay BS.
  17. My wife loves this Pawn Stars spinoff. It’s a blatant Antiques Roadshow ripoff where the guys go to different cities and appraise/buy stuff. Anyhoo… last week they were in Austin, but obviously not actually IN Austin. They were in some old town looking spot filled with antique looking buildings, almost like a movie set. Anyone see this, or know where in the Austin area this may be?
  18. Matthew McConaughey in Dallas buyers club, and maybe again in Killer Joe.
  19. Little dude is my grandpa. Poor as hell okies.
  20. When they did the excavation of LaSalle’s sunken ship, Le Belle they hauled it all to Palacios for conservation/preservation/processing. I think they display some small stuff from the wreck in Palacios at the museum. There used to be a half scale replica of Le Belle at the marina there, but I haven’t been there since my FIL was mayor, and that’s been forever. And yeah… there’s only one road to Indianola/Magnolia Beach. And it’s a dead end.
  21. And a couple of them are dead.
  22. First Scrubs actors T-Mobile commercial was a fun throwback. However many commercials in we are now is wearing me slick.
  23. GoPokes83


    Enjoyed it, gotta suspend some disbelief when it comes to Harrison Ford being some type of tough guy. Looking forward to the next episode.
  24. Actually, one!
  25. My grandpa, (WW2 Marine vet) used to cuss every time he saw a John Wayne war movie on TV. He called him a “draft dodging pussy”! He said he saw him in Australia during a USO show and Wayne was booed off stage. I blew it off back then, but now that I’m older and a vet myself I have a hard time watching any of his WW2 stuff made while a ton of his contemporaries put their careers on hold and went to war.
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