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Everything posted by GoPokes83

  1. This entire thing hinges on whether it’s a gamble or a gift. If I can just try for a million then I’m going to bomb away, if there’s a chance I can lose a dollar I’ll just be waiting in the truck.
  2. He was pretty much out of acting since the 90’s. Wonder what he did for a living?
  3. Are we still doing the diversity thing? Denise Middleton is the MILF I believe we can all get behind.
  4. There’s probably a thread but I did a search and didn’t see anything. (I really did) Who’s seen One Love? I tend to stay away from musician biopics as they tend to be sanitized hero worship. But Marley was a huge influence on me musically from the 70’s on, and I love all his stuff from his Rock Steady days until his death. The commercials almost seem Disneyesque, with him sitting around a campfire strumming a guitar singing to his kids. The man had a very rough life growing up, and was an unapologetic serial adulterer. Any of that type stuff covered or is it all glossed over?
  5. It’s pretty damn comical in 2024. But then again I definitely have social limitations.
  6. I’ll look over my shoulders next time and let you know.
  7. GoPokes83

    Getting old sucks

    I guess I could just do 1/4 plate of protein. That’s a lot of good news just for a single month’s effort! Good job!!
  8. KPRC’s Corley Peel seems talented. Not too sure about those Peggy Hill feet though…
  9. It was groundbreaking for its time, we’d never seen a movie like it, but not many mid 70’s movies really completely hold up. Godfather is the main exception that comes to mind. I watched The Exorcist with my kid the other day and I told her how scary it was for everyone back when it came out. She was laughing at the effects half way through.
  10. GoPokes83

    Getting old sucks

    Damn sick for 4 days straight. Really sick, 20 hours a day in bed with massive amounts of blankets and still can’t stop shivering. My wife makes me take a Covid test every day and they’re negative. No fever but vomiting if I try and eat anything at all. I’ve never been sick that I couldn’t walk it off in a day or two including Covid. Catching this old dude crap and it’s not fun. Hopefully tomorrow it’ll be gone.
  11. Aus
  12. When I go to Buc Ee’s I have to enter my pin for every transaction when I insert my card, but if I do the no contact thing and it wirelessly reads the chip it doesn’t ask for it. So if anyone ever gets ahold of my card they can just use the chip reader and have full access to my dozens of dollars.
  13. Some of us can use the extra distance.
  14. I’d drive that cart until the batteries died Toruń that jack hole over. Parking lot, pro shop… wouldn’t matter.
  15. No clue about your fucked up aunt, but I joined the VFW when our local bar went tits up and the VFW canteen was the closest watering hole to my house.
  16. Never heard of Apple Currant, must not have been around for long.
  17. Houston Dem DA candidate Sean Teare is a freaking Ted Cruz clone!
  18. What’s your address? You know, for pizza delivery reasons.
  19. So Mars is just Really Big Bend?
  20. It’s possible
  21. Been watching Clint Eastwood movies on Sundance all day. I’m convinced Clint is the only person that believed Sondra Locke was remotely attractive or a decent actress. She drags down every movie she’s in.
  22. As my grandpa used to say, “If that dress was a half inch shorter she’d need two hairdos!” (It was a different time.)
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