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    Alleged Abuser

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  1. Daily reminder: Chooky = Dooky
  2. How about IGoosedYourMom
  3. Bump. Anyone live near Grapeland? I’ve got some things buried o need mailed internationally.
  4. ‘Cruel Experiments’ sounds a bit dramatic for a few teeth
  5. Hopefully APD will enlist 23 and Me to get to the bottom of this, we can put a percentage on how racist this guy was
  6. Just checking in, I am not a person of interest. MOIAM
  7. lol this place has gotten really soft, deleting a Michelle Obama joke. Well I’ll drop back in in another year or so and check on you fellas. I’ll go back to living my best life
  8. Brent Venables thinks Matt LeBlanc was the best Top Gear host
  9. Brent Venables thinks @South Austin’s mom is a lovely lady
  10. Brent Venables will always remember the Alamo. And by that I mean the time he argued for 2 1/2 hours at St Louis Lambert to get upgraded from his Chevy Malibu to a PT Cruiser with Alamo Rental, only to learn his reservation was with Hertz.
  11. Brent Venables wears sansabelts with a belt
  12. Brent Venables vacations only at all inclusive resorts
  13. Brent Venables’ favorite president is Millard Fillmore
  14. Brent Venables think Mary Kate is the most talented Olsen
  15. Does any one have relatives in Senegal that know how to repair a broken Land Cruiser chassis? If they could fly a helicopter that could be useful as well
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