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Everything posted by Digdogger

  1. I was reading an article from the head of the CDC earlier about this. The current hypo is that the disease is being spread by “putting peepee in your coke” so I’m switching to Pepsi for a few weeks just to be safe
  2. I’ve spent a lot of time in the ghetto, and I’ve never seen a folding stool there
  3. The fat chick in the denim looks very concerned. Someone's cheesy fries and large Pepsi must have gotten knocked over
  4. He may dress up like the Ayatollah
  5. Sean Connery is looking good
  6. Everyone assumes he's related to Ron Mexico
  7. If you could have done that you'd still be a middle school teacher
  8. I am the owner and proprietor of a beauty salon that specializes in unsightly umbilici called The Navel Hair Station
  9. Hopefully they can do diddly poo next year
  10. Your wife is normally the one getting rear ended
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