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Everything posted by Digdogger

  1. Thanks
  2. The kid from Jacksonville?
  3. That story is exactly how OP was conceived
  4. Its on this guys Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/david.l.morse.5
  5. I didn’t realize there were so many managers and performance evaluations for Buttplug Tester
  6. Jeff performing AEA in the wall eye is definitely in play
  7. Or this one
  8. There were a lot of people giving full dumps over there, TJHooker was especially egregious
  9. Answer the door in a bathrobe and ask if they’d like to join you in a high stakes game of Stratego
  10. JerseyMan posts elsewhere?
  11. She's been fired according to the Army Corps. Sounds like this is not her first crazy episode, surprisingly.
  12. In my line of work we call them ‘tricks’, not shifts. That being said, my longest truck lasted 13 hours. It was a lot like that fairytale movie about Jim from the Office in Liberia, but a lot more heroic
  13. 6 inches, 3 inches each time Mother?
  14. Somebody pooped in the shower again
  15. Your mom is the mayor of Morehead City
  16. Can we rename this thread "The Good Ol' Days"?
  17. What color are you?
  18. Let’s go get some dumpy Mexican trainers and lure him back
  19. Herman’s blouse looks nice
  20. Someone Derka’d the Derka thread
  21. When I go backpacking with my wife and three kids, I bring 2 of the Stanco pots and 3 MSR deep dish plate/bowl like things and use a Pocket Rocket stove. I wish the plates stacked inside each other better, but I kind of clamshell them around the pots to take up almost no additional space, which hold the fuel canister, Pocket Rocket, matches, lighter and Sporks. I basically wind up cooking half of the meal for all of us at a time and then eat directly out of the pot for the other 2 plates.
  22. I consider $10-30k basically free #pointonepercenter Put in a floor drain, obviously
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