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Everything posted by Digdogger

  1. That was an awkward listen. I'd definitely cut out the 'Blacklab and Immamac Play 7 Minutes In Heaven' bit, its a long time to hear you two go at it.
  2. Digdogger

    Austin FC

    Right now the only direct route from Kramer Station to the site is along the tracks which is covered in fist sized rocks. Then you’d have to cross Braker with no light nearby. It’d probably take right at 10 minutes (I’ve walked it before). If you want to walk on sidewalks, you’re probably looking at 15-20 minutes (Kramer to Braker). There’s a connector bus that loops from the station to the Domain, ACC and Pickle, so swinging by the stadium doesn’t seem too indirect on game days.
  3. Digdogger

    Austin FC

    My sources in the council tel me that The Austin Urine Soaked Bums is the leader for the name right now. The ARCH is lining up tryouts for mascot as we speak.
  4. Those cables were probably just extras. They hung them off the edge so they wouldn’t get lost
  5. Also on the Tech staff as a Grad Assistant: Tevin Mims
  6. Looks like an inside job to me, clearly a controlled demolition
  7. That’s Parrish Cobb. Parrish Cox is the Okie St DB/alleged rapist And there’s LJ Moore, the cheerleader pimp
  8. Your mom had her Colon Plowed
  9. RIP and C. Scruggs have been used in a lot of sentences over the years, almost entirely regarding his wardrobe.
  10. Hopefully your wife enjoys the golden shower you've been planning for your golden anniversary
  11. I can't say. Other than I was definitely not in prison.
  12. I’m looking forward to the movie All the President’s Semen
  13. People who shave their pubes while driving
  14. This is a nice cover story your wife has built up to make up for the herds of guys she's letting do all sorts of things to her.
  15. Do you mean clear margarine?
  16. Is this the suppository thread?
  17. He’s got a small 57 lb tumor
  18. Sorry for partying
  19. Authorities have released a picture of the alleged shooter. The head scarf does make it hard to tell the gender
  20. I'm seeing its supposedly a female with 2 injured. Something tells me this can be directly linked to radical menstrual cycle extremism
  21. That Logan Paul has gone too far this time
  22. Some of you need to learn what “single” means
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