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Everything posted by Digdogger

  1. You know how I know you're gay? I've seen pictures of your house
  2. That's nice that the developers of Myst were able to find work designing your house's website
  3. I hear there’s lots of room in the backseat for scissoring
  4. My kids would never walk out of class for any reason. They know better than that. Plus they’re all in wheelchairs
  5. Interesting choice, picking a play on ‘turd burglars’
  6. Hiking Mt Livermore at the Davis Mountains Preserve is pretty great, when its open. They have many open dates throughout the year when its free to go. Much impressive mountains than the State Park
  7. PT. Cruiser.
  8. I got that same fortune today at lunch
  9. I don’t trust any one with that type of name, if you know what I mean
  10. 'Stuck' might not have been the best word choice
  11. She’s shortened it to just T. Estes.
  12. I would have gone with something that didn’t sound like you jack men off. Maybe JackRubyMan
  13. My favorite gay was js and I haven’t seen him either /no homo
  14. Leo and Scorsese are adapting Devil in White City My choice is The Quran.
  15. I had to Google him and I don't think its a very big loss, he looks really old
  16. That seems fast for Cuney
  17. McNelly said he looks like me so I kept it.
  18. Chooky told me he was probably going to be taking a break for a while. He has some pretty major health stuff going on. I think he's either having surgery today or tomorrow. Him and Skoog were messing around the other day and Skoog accidentally got a pair of binoculars stuck in Chooky's rectum
  19. Make sure you use the panorama setting to fit that porker in the shot
  20. If you see something, say something. Like the drugs he has possibly keistered
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