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Everything posted by Digdogger

  1. No shit. My wife is taking a vacuum in for repair today. Essential and such. That sounds like code for your wife has been blowing a lot of different dudes
  2. I continue to cup my own farts and smell them daily, as my own self testing It should be noted that I have been self testing since I was 9
  3. Thank you for your service
  4. From what I’ve seen on this thread, statutory rape is definitely up in some parts of the world
  5. Yeah I’ve already called my asymptomatic friends to get ready and those who haven’t gotten it yet to stand by
  6. Which Asian country was the lady pilot from?
  7. I just got off a Zoom for our biweekly meeting of the Board of Directors for the National Association for Awareness of AEA or NAAAEA as most of you may know it, and the numbers right now are showing that AEA related deaths are up 363% since the quarantine started. So that’s troubling.
  8. I just got back and I am VERY disappointed with the professionalism.
  9. Already posted to many sites
  10. Not to derail from Junior Miller’s situation but I have an update on mine. With the warmer weather the cargo shorts are back out and I’m back in the captain’s seat. Today I’m leaning a little left, which is unusual for me, not sure if it’s Scoliosis, spina bifida or just being overall poor posture, but it happened again, this time the left teste slipped out. I’ve been reading about symptoms resurfacing so I think I’m going to try to get tested again. I might have to swing by the pedo and get him to look me over in person
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