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Everything posted by Digdogger

  1. Why is she wearing a mask in her house when the article says wear it in public? And who’s the perv taking the picture through her window and night and where are the rest of those pics?
  2. Well he's mostly buttchugging, so maybe he needs to shut the back door
  3. Asian massage parlors
  4. I take all my advice from people who chose “looking at wieners” as a profession
  5. Why stop there? How’s Libya, Somalia and Yemen doing with their quarantines?
  6. Chooky has a severe case of the skoogs
  7. Do they sell anything that says “Dad really likes leather”?
  8. Jews, Gypsies and the gays are being given higher priority for testing
  9. I’m pretty sure y’all touched your wieners together once or twice
  10. I’m case it hasn’t been said elsewhere - SA has some big ol’ women currently
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