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Everything posted by Digdogger

  1. The homeless need to be encouraged to defecate at least 6 feet apart in the streets
  2. Does anyone know what time the shoe bomber is performing at the Houston Rodeo?
  3. The chances of the doctor and nurse laughing at your micropenis during the procedure is nearly 100%
  4. Yes. I’m also factoring their amount of hair, total body hair or TBH, because my TP is getting dangerously low.
  5. I don’t know, seems like there’s a lot that’s way crazier. I mean, what do you expect? Like massive death is pretty crazy. Eating bats. No toilet paper.
  6. I suspect they’ll go up. But the body count will be much lower. A lot of future Menendezes out there
  7. I've delivered several children/grandchildren down here, we'll be fine. We're not coming out
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