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Everything posted by Digdogger

  1. That’s the ninth weirdest thing they’ve had me do at work there this week
  2. My sources tell me the WNBA is thinking about opening back up since they can be in compliance
  3. I'm basically taking any suppository that I can get my hands on at this point, just to be safe
  4. We need to start fat shaming all the fatties for hoarding food and toilet paper
  5. My cousin is a lot lizard and this could really put a damper on her business. She might have to take a second job at a second rest stop on I20. This virus is really wreaking havoc on the small business owners.
  6. I just bought an extra high colonic kit in case things start to get dicey
  7. Send pics too. For medical purposes
  8. I found out last night my uncle died from Coronavirus. It’s only now that I can look back a laugh about it.
  9. My neighbor and I are offering free mustache rides to the the community. Now is not the time to sit idly by.
  10. If we have to drive to Bogota just to get tested, then there’s going to be a serious run on gas stations. I’m leaving the daycare to fill up
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