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Biscuits And Groovy

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Everything posted by Biscuits And Groovy

  1. Im gonna put on my elitist hat for second, so sorry in advance. I’d usually say that people have different opinions and everyone has their own tastes, but anyone who tells you to muddle the fruit or add club soda to an old fashioned is just wrong. Never, and I mean that in the most absolute way, muddle fruit in an old fashioned. That part is not a matter of taste like the Simple Syrup or Cube argument. An old fashioned is a bourbon drink and the only purpose of fruit in an OF is as a garnish. If you muddle fruit in an old fashioned it isn’t an old fashioned anymore. And if it is cloudy when you finish making it you fucked up and should start over. This goes back to the classic Cocktail formula. What a cocktail is at its basic roots is Alcohol, Sugar, Secondary flavoring agent. Then mixed with varying levels of dillusion. The Old Fashioned is the original whiskey cocktail. Whisky is the spirit, Sugar, Bitters to add complexity to the flavor, light dillusion from stirring with only the ice that the drink will be served with. I would go as far as to say only Agnostura, or Bitters that are an Agnostura clone. But I just don’t like Peychudes in my OF. Not a fan of the Peychudes flavor profile.
  2. I need to try that H&G. Just mentioned them one post above. Been loving their stuff recently.
  3. Did you just say...... liquid smoke ?
  4. Purgatory is a pretty alright mountain if you’re into falling with style. Or sledding. I think it still has some snow.
  5. Scientifically, no. If your sugar cube is the same as the sugar in your simple syrup it’s the same. And 1/4oz of 1:1 is the same sweetness as 1 sugar cube. The muddling process can be it’s own nice little thing. Like rolling a joint, it can be somewhat meditative. But the taste will be the same, imo.
  6. Too bad they passed on Leach. I would have loved to see Leach kick ass in the SEC again and shit all over all the ESPN fucktards who say that kind of offense can’t work in that conference.
  7. If it weren’t for those sleeves I would legit love those kits. Especially the away. The ‘99 away/Gillingham kit is my favorite City shirt of all time so to see the tribute would otherwise be absolutely awesome. I grabbed up the reproduction as soon as they went on sale online and wear it to Haymaker or where ever the local fan club meets for all the really big matches(might have just doxxed myself to some of y’all). Those sleeves are just horrendous.
  8. Muddled sugar and simple syrup is all the same taste wise. IMO the real trick is how you mix the bourbon into the drink. Here’s what I do and it works consistently every time. 1/4oz 1:1 home made simple syrup, Agnostura or Old Fashioned Bitters of whatever brand to taste. Stir to combine. Pour in 1oz of whatever bourbon you want as long as it’s good enough to sip neat. Stir to combine. Add ice and stir at least 30 seconds to dilute. Then top with 1.5oz of the same bourbon and garnish, I use one or two Luxardo cherries. When I wanna get fancy I’ll do a Luxardo maraschino liquor rinse in the glass for a little added flavor. Really the most important thing to do is to dilute that first oz before topping with the rest of the bourbon. It gives the first few sips the right balance and mouthfeel.
  9. Liked DD, JJ, First half of Luke Cage. Thought Iron Fist and Defenders were pretty bad. Iron Fist's fight choreography was wack IMO. You could pretty clearly tell he(the actor) wasn't a great martial artist if he was even a martial artist at all. He looked like an amateur and struggled against henchmen, which was stupid. Should have gotten someone like Donnie Yen to help him out with the fight choreo. Defenders was stupid because The Hand is stupid, and everything involving The Hand is stupid. So centering a show around The Hand being the main enemy is a recipe for a shit show. And it suffered more from the shit fighting of Iron Fist. Luke Cage was cool until they killed off Cottonmouth for his dumb ass sister. Mahershala Ali is a really good actor and Cottonmouth was starting to become a really good and complex villain. He also is an actual figure in the comic books. Shitty writing to take the story in the direction that they did.
  10. I think I might make a sunrise mini mart run in a little bit to browse their selection. Y'all had Haze County IPA from Hops & Grain? Probably my favorite beer out of Austin right now. I love the hop bursted IPAs that have been coming out recently. Got so bored of the west coast IBU bombs.
  11. Belize City was pretty grimy when I was there 2 years ago. Wanted to walk around and check out the downtown area. Never felt unsafe at all but it totally felt grimy. Not as bad as Detroit or some other places I've been in the US. San Pedro was pretty alright though. Good restaurants and seemed to be oriented around tourists/vacationers.
  12. I wasn't saying that its a bad or good decision. I was just saying that no one stopped buying Karbach, Lagunitas, Ballast Point, Goose Island because the quality tanked after they were bought out. I don't buy those beers when other options are available but they're all still just as good as they were before being bought out. Hell, Love Street is still one of the best Kolsh beers made in Texas. I like it better than Lawnmower, but I still usually buy Lawnmower when both are available, for sentimental reasons. I guess this is a more practical reason to avoid macro beer, but its nothing related to quality of the product. That's what I was getting at.
  13. Yeah, I've been through Pagosa Springs. It seems like a cool spot. And I'm used to the drive up parking lot experience from skiing Brighton in Big Cottonwood. I half hope that Red McCombs gets to make his resort there because it would be dope with how close it is, but it also might ruin the area.
  14. J Gray was a beast before his injury. If he never got that injury he could be an NFL starter right now. It just robbed him of all his burst and top end speed. Sad.
  15. Any of y’all ever ski Wolf Creek? From what I’ve seen it looks like it could be the best powder stash in Colorado. Like a hidden secret. I think I might try to check it out in the closing days of this season or maybe early in the 18/19 season.
  16. Eagle Rare is ~30 but it’s getting harder to find in Austin. I think it’s getting all bought up by restaurants. I’ve noticed that I’ve seen less Buffalo Trace on the shelves recently too, which sucks. Buffalo Trace is the best Price/Quality whiskey around IMO. He’ll, everything their distillery puts out is a good P/Q ratio outside of the Van Winkle stuff.
  17. A lot of these bought out craft breweries aren’t changing their operations after getting bought. It’s just a change in revenue stream. Karbach and Ballast Point haven’t seen any drop in quality after they were purchased by macro. The decision to stop buying a beer after its bought out by macro is a purely sentimental one IMO, and that’s all right.
  18. They’re only open Thursday-Sunday. Open at 11. I’d try to get there before noon on the weekends because even though San Antonio isn’t a wait in line sort of town 2M gets a line going. When the sell out of something it’s gone until they have more, and I’ve seen them sell out of brisket somewhat early. Their sauce is a sweet molasses base without any heat or tomato flavor, so it’s unique but you don’t need a lot of it. Good BBQ is good without sauce anyways, but I’ve seen people thrown off by 2M’s sauce. And if you want bread you gotta pay for their tortillas, but they’re worth it because they’re fresh made and dope as hell.
  19. I would like to take Carr. We need some PG depth, especially with Davis going. Coleman was good but he played too many minutes IMO. Then again, Shaka seems to love going 7 or 8 deep which is maddening so maybe Coleman wouldn’t get any more rest time even with Carr and the other transfer who’s name I forgot in the fold.
  20. Couldn’t take the length?
  21. Salt Lake City would probably be more affordable than Tahoe. Can stay in town for much cheaper than any resort. Just drive into the canyons to ski for the day, only like a 20 min trip depending on where you are. And if you get the Ski City super pass it’s like $90/day for both Little and Big Cottonwood Canyon. That includes Alta and Snowbird, which have a case for being the best ski mountains in America if not the whole world. Also, ski tailgating is an absolute blast in the canyons at SLC.
  22. I actually love British cooking. And London has one of the best food scenes in the world. Better Indian food than in India, I’ve heard from Indians. Best Middle Eastern food outside of the Middle East. And classic British pub grub is IMO the perfect thing to eat with a beer or two. America is sleeping on meat pies. Sunday roast is all over England though. I’ve gotten a pretty good roast in Birmingham for £5 that came with a beer.
  23. Great meat and their sides are bomb as hell. Just not the most traditional, especially for the CenTex crowd. That Chiccharon Mac and Cheese tho... that shit is so good. And honestly, I’d rather pay $2 or whatever for 6 fresh home made tortillas than get a slab of Walmart brand white bread for free.
  24. That’s good to hear. ESPN’s soccer coverage was always shit when they had European league licenses in the past, so I was weary. I think I might try to make it to CoTA this year. Never been for f1. Always wanted to check it out but end up just watching it on TV.
  25. Is ESPN going to dedicate the time to show the races? I liked that NBC was always reliable to see a live race pretty much every time. ESPN’s coverage of non-America centric sports has always been pretty terrible IMO.
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