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atomheartbevo last won the day on October 1 2024

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  1. They really did a good job of casting those two.
  2. I didn't care for his Star Trek work, but appreciate the Xena stuff and a lot of his other stuff. Crazy that I'm around his age.
  3. It really is. And they took Mon Mothma and made her one of my favorite SW characters ever. And she and Luthen are my favorite SW characters since the 1980s.
  4. I just want him to go into his Howard Hughes mode a bit early.
  5. We are leaving a power vacuum and France and Turkey are stepping up. Kind of embarrassing, but great that somebody is. China would love for Russia to collapse. When Putin dies, they are going to hoover up a lot of stuff. Not by sending troops over the border, but through financial means. China has also been dancing around crossing the line that would get them sanctioned, but they have happily tried to buy oil & gas, lumber, etc. at well below-market prices from Russia. Europe is the US's largest trading partner, and you nailed it - China wants to replace us.
  6. We've got a Ukrainian first grader at my school that my daughter is friends with. Great family as well. I'm hoping they are able to stay - they are from an area that was under threat. Thankfully the dad has a work visa (his company does business between Ukraine and the US) so maybe they get to stay.
  7. Musk said this morning that he wants to privatize Amtrak and the Post Office. If you are in a rural area...Musk is telling you to As you drive your ass 15 or 20 miles to get your mail. I would say he doesn't have a shot because, you now, the whole Constitution thing, but that doesn't matter. What does matter is a bunch of people in Congress will realize that their precious fucking campaign mailers won't be getting to their rural constituents in a timely manner and/or will cost their campaigns a lot more to mail, so they might try and push back.
  8. Herbie, I'm glad the state is going all in on this stuff, because with the DOGE nonsense, and with the layoffs/budget cuts to National Park Service and US Forest Service, we could very well be on our own - as of a week or so ago, they apparently cut a bunch of USFS folks in Texas and surrounding areas who coordinate state and national assets in the event of large fires. The folks who, when shit hits the fan, they know all of the right people to get assets moved quickly, whether it's Hot Shot teams in Arizona or California or the larger aircraft out of Canada, etc. They cut one entire group who handles a lot of this (high school classmate's husband was in it) and didn't leave anybody around to do this stuff. So aggy Forestry Service better have their shit together if we have any large fires this year, and I wouldn't count on Los Diablos.
  9. What is it with these people not knowing how to drink from a fucking water bottle?
  10. Agriculture is now up, and apparently the next exemption.
  11. Given how much Beijing dances around not providing the kind of hardware that would put them on the sanctions list, as well as being careful with their trade and banking with Russia, I don't really buy it. Plus, China wants a weakened Russia, both militarily and economically.
  12. Europe is our largest and richest trading partner. It would destroy our economy for many years to come if we were to openly side with the Russian military. There would also be a fuckload of Americans who would lose their shit over such a scenario. They may toe the line on us betraying Ukraine, but that's as far as they'll go. France stuck with us in Afghanistan for over a decade. I have no problem with the French.
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