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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by atomheartbevo

  1. I liked his work on DS9 and Voyager and loved Dead Like Me, Pushing Daisies, both of which he created and which had great dialogue, great characters and great plots, and liked his work on Heroes in the first few seasons. He wrote or co-wrote a few dozen Voyager episodes. If I had to guess, he’s hoping to come back at some point, so some criticisms he’s keeping to himself. He’s a huge Trekkie.
  2. Thunderbolts leaning into the power ballad is perfect.
  3. https://screenrant.com/star-trek-discovery-original-vision-changes-bryan-fuller-explainer/ Every Star Trek: Discovery Change From Its Original Vision Its Series Creator Just Revealed CBS Studios resisted his choice of Sonequa Martin-Green as Michael Burnham Richard Armitage Was In Talks To Play Sarek Gillian Anderson Was Going To Play A Starfleet Captain Anthony Rapp Was Cast As An Andorian Doctor Instead Of Lt. Paul Stamets Wilson Cruz Was Originally Going To Play Lt. Paul Stamets Hugh Dancy Had An Unknown Star Trek: Discovery Role Laurence Fishburne Was Eyed To Play A Klingon Star Trek: Discovery’s Starfleet Uniforms & Klingons Were The Opposite Of What Bryan Fuller Wanted Star Trek: Discovery’s Original Budget Was Too Low - Bryan Fuller Compared Discovery's Original Budget To Hawaii Five-0
  4. Like that we are getting back down in the 30s this week. Yay. Texas weather or something.
  5. This is the shit Musk has been posting/retweeting.
  6. https://nerdist.com/article/star-trek-strange-new-worlds-season-3-clip-nycc-enterprise-battle/ Spoilers YO! https://deadline.com/2024/10/star-trek-strange-new-worlds-teaser-rhys-darby-cast-paramount-plus-1236120996/ @Parliament you may like that clip.
  7. All it needed was Gilmour and it would have basically been the top four British guitarists of the late 60s/early 70s.
  8. 8.0 is pretty serious - I think the one that was the basis for this video (minus the Germans dancing or whatever) was in the 5 range. Need to find the original.
  9. If you want to go down a rabbit hole, there's an alt history wiki where people gin up extremely in-depth alternate biographies of a lot of people mentioned in this thread, had they lived. https://althistory.fandom.com/wiki/Janis_Joplin_(Differently) They had her marrying Warren Zevon
  10. https://www.mediaite.com/trump/trump-official-warns-ny-times-almost-no-one-can-control-elon-musk/
  11. It gets better https://krebsonsecurity.com/2025/02/teen-on-musks-doge-team-graduated-from-the-com/
  12. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJquYOG5EL82sKTfH9aMA9Q
  13. The target is not really $4 billion a day, it’s the agencies that Musk hates.
  14. Looks like a client is out that turns it into TikTok, just grabs and shows you videos https://lifehacker.com/tech/bluesky-now-has-its-own-tiktok
  15. He's claiming they don't, but nobody can actually verify it - just have to take his word.
  16. Dave, Nick, and Roger all have releases coming out the same day. This is Nick's
  17. I wonder what she would have been like deep into the 70s. Does she follow some kind of Grace Slick route? She go into the country music world as the pop music world changes drastically?
  18. Seems a bit dodgy and claims they only have read-only access, but why do they need read-only access to such sensitive data, and with read-only they can still copy everything and try to dump it into their circle-jerk blockchain. I do like the bit about the IRS and others still using COBOL. We shouldn't even be having this discussion. These dweebs shouldn't be anywhere near having just read-only credentials.
  19. Yeah, and like I said, they started the process of making orcs (and Drow) officially playable a decade ago, this was just formalizing it. A lot of people wanted it, and the irony is that they added something like 80+ monsters to the manual. And nothing is stopping DMs from using orcs as NPCs. I find a lot of the outrage to be false or misplaced because there's a lot more that people should be upset about and I think most of the outrage videos on YouTube are there for the clicks (which is most of YT these days). There is so much more to be concerned about. Hasbro wanted to do away with physical books and turn everything into a subscription, and it sounded like they were heading towards only allowing their official VTT to be the only VTT to have any DnD content (shutting off Roll20.net, etc.), along with other changes. I like to play in person, but I also have some Roll20 stuff going on, and Hasbro's VTT was going to be resource heavy and more expensive.
  20. I told my cousin this over the holidays - I asked him point-blank what Musk was doing that was going to make his Tesla hold its value (as much as a used car can) and make the Tesla brand as a whole worth more than it is now? I told him that if things keep going the way they are, used car lots will be full of Teslas and trade-in values will be really bad. It was his first car, so it'll be painful, but his wife mentioned he's been looking at other EVs.
  21. Our air traffic control system clearly needs to be on the blockchain. And surely we could get rid of those expensive controllers and just farm it out to people working from home on the internet, kind of open source. We can add cameras to all of the planes and towers and people on the internet will be able to see everything.
  22. Your analogy is accurate, except that Elon is the high-as-a-kite electrician coming to redo all of the plumbing in your house. And he hates actual plumbers and everything they claim to know about plumbing.
  23. He’s been around that district for over 40 years, since Reagan appointed him, and has been the senior judge since Bush elevated him in 2006, so he’s not somebody that can be easily intimated or brushed off. I’ve been following this, as there’s been some shenanigans to try and drag members of Native American tribes into it (I’m a member of one) to justify trying to end it by executive order (basically redefine what the citizenship means based on parents, etc.). Whether the feds try and double down and even go after birthright citizens, remains to be seen, but most likely they will have to drop the birthright stuff and focus on illegals.
  24. I didn’t say they would be happy, just that they should be. And my anti-vaccine relative screamed at us and other relatives over the shedding COVID proteins thing when she found out that a bunch of us were vaccinated when they became available (the first of many times she chewed family members out for getting vaccinated), and would not wash her clothes in the same washing machine that vaccinated people used unless she ran an empty load with bleach through it.
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