Looks like another 750,000 - 900,000 since this time yesterday. Not sure if they'll hit 1 million, but it'll be close.
I tried BlueSky in the past, but I dunno, either not my crowd there at the time, or what, but reading the timeline, looks like Jack Dorsey (Twitter founder) bailed in April/May after disagreeing with the moderation options that BlueSky was implementing. Apparently, he was strongly against the block functionality they implemented and was spouting some Elon Musk bullshit about people shouldn't be able to block others or something (because we all love scrolling past neo-Nazis and Apollo-deniers in our feeds). After he left the board, the others were able to rapidly move ahead with a lot of improvements, to the point where we end up with what we have now.
Speaking of, BlueSky saying they won't use your posts to train AI.
Unlike X, Bluesky says it won't train AI on your posts | TechCrunch