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Posts posted by atomheartbevo

  1. https://www.newsweek.com/sarah-huckabee-sanders-suggests-days-traditional-press-briefing-are-over-1145924


    White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders has said the days of press briefings may be over—defending the lack of such briefings in recent weeks by claiming the media has the chance to speak directly with the president.

    Speaking in an interview with Fox News Sunday at the weekend, Huckabee Sanders said Donald Trump had conversed with the media in more informal settings.

    "Look, we talk to the press in a number of different ways," she told Fox News Sunday.

    "The day that the briefing was initially created, the atmosphere was incredibly different and you didn't have the same access and ways to communicate with the American public,” she continued, appearing to suggest the days of the traditional briefing were limited.


    "But I always think if you can hear directly from the president and the press has a chance to ask the president of the United States questions directly, that's infinitely better than talking to me. We try to do that a lot and you've seen us do that a lot over the last three weeks, and that's going to take the place of a press briefing when you can talk to the president of the United States,” she added.


  2. 1 hour ago, softlynow said:

    VA Secretary can’t overturn Roe or help Trump with his legal problems. Trump barely knows the department exists and likely has no idea what it does. 

    Trump probably thinks the VA is where you go to pick up service members cheating on their spouses. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    It’s not that simple. If that was true, Kavanaugh would have been confirmed already.

    Many GOP Senators are paying a high political price for Kavanaugh if confirmed.  These guys operate solely out of self interest, they’re mercenaries.

    I honestly believe several Senators want a way out of Kavanaugh but without the cost of alienating the Trump base. 

    The war is currently with a handful of GOP Senators and the White House.  The democrats are pouring gasoline on this fire, as they should.

    They all know that Kavanaugh is just going to help either drive up female turnout in the voting booth in general, or help depress voting from moderate/Republican women.

    Graham and Grassley, and the others going all in on Kavanaugh are fucking nuts, because they are quite willing to hasten political change that was still a few years down the road.  Political change that is damaging to the GOP. 

  4. 2 hours ago, bolverk said:

    Bullshit. If it were only a question of ideology, the Republicans (you know, the party in power) could've easily dumped him a week ago. No, there's got to be a very specific reason they're putting everything on the line for him.

    They could have dumped him last week, and challenged the Dems to shoot down Amy’s confirmation this week.  You know more than a few Catholic Dems would have been on board with her.

    Instead, Linda Graham shrieked at the world because they just weren’t seeing the same beautiful, crying man that he saw.  

    Something is fishy, and me thinks there were promises made behind the scenes.  

  5. 1 hour ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    I have become a huge fan on his based on his performance on Thursday. For me, it’s a test of strength. 

    Only you would equate a crying Eastern elite man-baby with strength. 

    Next you will tell us how brave Ted Cruz was when he kissed Trump’s ring after Trump insulted his wife’s looks and mental health,, and insulted the character of his dad. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, Message Board User said:

    What should I do if it's a Cruz block-walker?

    “President Trump said that Ted Cruz is a liar and does nothing for Texans, and we shouldn’t support him.  Good day, sir!”

    • Like 6
  7. 3 hours ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    Cruz-loving WIlco Republican Facebook friend is extra pissy because of all the Beto shirts he saw at the Cedar Park HEB this morning. Raises an interesting question: has anybody ever seen a person wearing a Cruz shirt?

    I used to wear a Cruz shirt all the time as a kid. 


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  8. 42 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Following the money is how you can tell what the party and pacs are thinking.  It’s not impossible that the gop retains the house but it looks like the smart money sees that as chasing too much. 

    That and they are seeing bad poll numbers for Cruz. 

  9. 1 hour ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Please tell me it's true . . . POTUS and Lil' Rocket Kim have fallen in love.  Please.  

    A part of me wants to look at Free Republic and see how eagerly they embrace their Communist North Korean brethren. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    Trump saying he and a dictator fell in love - multiple times - doesn't move the needle. For anyone. What a world. 

    He's a draft-dodger who shit all over Vietnam POWs, and his fans still love him.

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