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Posts posted by atomheartbevo

  1. 33 minutes ago, ChuckNorrisActionJeans said:

    Have had my fill of watching completely wretched human beings attain the top echelons of power....off to have my evening constitutional and read about serial killers to unwind until I pass out.

    Spoiler: The Austin Servant Girl Annihilator was Nathan Elgin.

  2. 3 hours ago, triplehorn said:

    Is there a line on odds of Brett pulling his nomination himself?  Because right now there should be.

    What if the FBI says he perjured himself yesterday, and/or has a gambling problem that he tries to hide.  Seems like it could impact his current work, maybe even get him in trouble with the ABA.  

    Would have been wise for him to pull out before now if that’s the case.  

  3. 21 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    The Democrats in the SJC should be the ones investigating perjury. They should have a dozen staffers poring over every word this guy's said; every syllable of testimony compared to every interview.

    He's a lying fuck and they should be going after him with knives.

    But these are Dems lol

    The Dems are not quite the aggy of political parties, but they sure do act like it at times.  Trump and Co. have given them all the fodder they need to dominate in November, bu they are going to keep trying to find ways to fuck it up.

  4. 25 minutes ago, Bat Guano said:

    Based on Kavanaugh's obvious terror of an FBI investigation, I'm guessing there's something to find. The question is, will his prep and Yale buddies crack under the threat of felony prosecution for lying to the FBI, or will they continue to stonewall? I'd be surprised if at least one of them doesn't crack; they probably have too much to lose to risk it on Crybaby Kavanaugh, whom they probably never liked that much anyway.

    I'm guessing it's the mysterious debt business.

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  5. 8 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    Oh man.  I didn't even think of the deep state implications here.  Awesome.

    We're talking about Donald Trump.   He's about as deep as my rain gutters - there's no deep state or long game here.  It's another chance for him to be passive-aggressive and whine on twitter about Sessions.

    But let's say there's a long game.  If this was simply about getting a conservative judge through before the mid-terms, ACB is a more conservative and much "cleaner" candidate, who would sail through the confirmation for the most part.

    Why isn't she warming up, or even stepping up to the plate?  The FBI investigation could easily make the GOP look really bad.

    Is this simply about Trump being defiant?  Maybe, but he's been known to quickly cut loose people who prove embarrassing to him.

    Why did Graham completely loose his shit yesterday?

    Things are just not adding up.  Somebody is scared that Kavanaugh isn't going to be confirmed. 


  6. 20 minutes ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    It's done..... FBI Investigation happening.


    And if Trumpkins don't like what the FBI has to say, then this will be another reason for Trump to start firing people left and right.  Or rather, try and get Kelly to start firing people left and right.

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