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Posts posted by atomheartbevo

  1. 10 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    All of this. Lindsey has obviously been compromised. Who knows what the Russians have on him but I’m sure trump let him know over a friendly round of gold.

    I'd like to know how Lindsey kept being promoted, for what seemed minimal work in the Reserves, and also why the hell he got a Bronze Star.  The simple answer is, of course, that the Air Force wanted him happy.  But it always seemed odd.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Dolemite said:

    Adjudicative Guidelines for Determining Eligibility for Access to Classified Information:

    a) Allegiance to the United States b) Foreign influence c) Foreign preference d) Sexual behavior e) Personal conduct f) Financial considerations g) Alcohol consumption h) Drug involvement i) Emotional, mental, and personality disorders j) Criminal conduct k) Security violations l) Outside activities m) Misuse of Information Technology Systems


    So you're saying that Kavanaugh should not have been cleared for a couple of those reasons, and shouldn't have been around Bush. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, zork said:

    I have one of each, both 10 and under.  We are starting early on how no matter what you can trust us.  Probably won't matter but we are trying to be understanding and preaching that we can't help you with X if we don't know it is happening.  There have been a few events from school that have already come to our attention due to communication from them to us.  We reiterate as often as we can.  

    It is understandable that she didn't tell anyone for any amount of reasons.  Just that because she didn't it was not a slam dunk that it could have been if there had been corroboration of any kind.  Or put it in a diary or something if you can't tell in the X amount of years.  

    If your kids put you on a pedestal, as many kids do, it's going to be a lot harder for them to tell you than you think, both because they will blame themselves, and because they don't want you being ashamed of them.  It doesn't matter how much you tell them you would not be ashamed of them, they will still feel some shame.

    And it's worse in the social media age, where a few photos can be blasted out to hundreds in a few minutes, unlike whispered rumors slowly making their way around school when we were kids.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Dolemite said:

    White House clearance to be the secretary for Bush is a heavy duty deal and this sort of behavior is what they look for. They look for it because of its potential to be used as blackmail. 

    He'd been out of high school for nearly 20 years.  I have a hard time believing they'd poke through his yearbook.

    Hell, look at his little debts that popped up and then disappeared.  Honestly, that raises more flags for me, than whether he was drinking and groping in the 80s.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 minute ago, Ghost of LL said:

    They didn't on repealing Obamacare.  

    This is far worse.

    They don't have the votes.

    If they did, they would have already done it. 

    And I guarantee they don't want to vote on it, because folks like Ted Cruz could lose a point or two at the polls.

  6. 10 minutes ago, zork said:

    She should have done that 35 or 30 years ago.  Keeping silent was the worst thing she should have done in retrospect.  She should have told her friends.  Told her parents.  Why wouldn't she tell her parents?  Maybe being 15 and drinking at a party would inhibit telling her parents?  Waiting certainly didn't help.

    I hope you have a bunch of daughters someday.

    But I hope none of them ever have to ask to speak to you alone, and start off the conversation with "dad, I was at a party last night and something happened."

  7. 14 minutes ago, Dolemite said:

    She looks acts and acts like she suffered abuse but it wasn't by Kavanaugh. It would have turned up in first FBI background check. If not the first one, surely for the one before he worked in the white house. 

    Yeah, no.  A simple look at his yearbook entries and the entries of those he hung out with would raise a lot of red flags that he was fucking around quite a bit.  But he was also "one of them" - no, not the Deep State, but an East Coast elite, and there were plenty of those in Washington that vouched for each other, allowing background checks to probably go through faster than a peon from Texas.

    It comes down to having a clean record, and who the folks doing the background check actually talk to.  When I went into the military, I had to go through a background check, and I was sweating bullets, because I knew if they talked to the wrong (or right depending on your view) people, my character would be called into question.   I wasn't trying to rape anybody or anything either, but, as an example, my trips to Mexico might have raised some red flags to somebody who wasn't from Texas.

    • Like 1
  8. 14 minutes ago, retread said:

    After watching the foaming-at-the-mouth performance during his opening statement, it's pretty scary to think about him being on the SCOTUS.

    Graham hasn't been nominated yet, but it is scary to think about.

  9. Picked up The Collapsing Empire (The Interdependency) by John Scalzi last week when it was $2 or $3.  The sequel, Consuming Fire, is coming out in 3 weeks or so. 

    It's a brand-new series by him - big-time space opera with all new characters/world-building.

    I was pleasantly surprised.  Some nice little twists, and feels a lot more polished than a lot of the stuff I've been reading (lot of Kindle Unlimited indie sci-fi stuff).

  10. Having worked in the VG industry, and having a shitload of friends who do/did, it always amazes me at how many companies repeat the same fucking mistakes that so many others have in the past.  Very public mistakes, whether it's overextending or not putting a bunch of money away when the money is rolling in or whatever.

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