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Posts posted by atomheartbevo

  1. 8 hours ago, Johnny Sack said:

    His life and reputation are completely ruined regardless.

    If he did what is alleged, he deserves it and more. 

    If he didn’t and this is just a last minute political hit job, this is a travesty.   

    Bro, did you read his yearbook?  He was fucking around. 

    And what are your feelings on it being revealed that he and other members of his school were publicly declaring that Renate lady to be the town bicycle?

    That lady publicly endorsed him, only to find out he and the others were publicly saying she was a slut. So that stigma will now hang over her for the rest of her life.  When her relatives, friends, associates, etc. search on Google, that is what will pop up  

    There are over 330 million people in this country. I’m fairly certain we could find a handful of candidates who were actually good people all their lives. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:
    24 minutes ago, Celery Man said:
    wonder if carrying guns is permitted at the event
    (i genuinely wonder because I suspect Ted Cruz is a pussy, that's not a "someone should shoot Ted Cruz" thing)

    He's a sitting u.s. senator, i would fucking hope guns aren't allowed

    Beto is a sitting US Representative, and he wasn’t scared of gun owners who were carrying...

  3. 15 minutes ago, Mdhorn said:

    this is all just another smokescreen distraction of what's going on with the confirmation.  

    What’s the point of a smokescreen that could help cost you Congressional seats in six weeks?

  4. Just wait,  30 years from now, assuming Congress is still around  USSC Justices are still confirmed by Congress, it’s not going to be about groping some drunken girl through her clothes. 

    All those parents worried their sons might be falsely accused, but not checking their phones  

    It’s going to be about 15 year-olds passing around nekkid photos of other 15 year-olds without their consent  

    You know, child pornography. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Js1 said:


    Seems like $13 in the family bank account would resonate with a lot of Trumpkins. 

    This is the kind of fucked up world that Republicans are living in, that it’s okay to openly mock poor people. 

    Pretty sure Jesus had a few things to say about poor people. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Js1 said:

    I mean, everyone was mostly aware of 2010 and 2014. It did not lead to increased D turnout to blunt the wave. In fact, I think the waves got bigger. Three issues at stake:

    1. It's getting too late to change a lot of minds

    2. The bigger the wave appears, the more likely to depress R turnout because it's inevitable.

    3. So many Republicans don't even believe there's a chance the House is going to flip, because Trump said so, red wave, polls are wrong, etc.

    I think a part of it involves us seeing it play out among our friends and family on social media. 

    We had social media before 2016, but prior to that, it didn’t feel like people were engaging nearly as much as they did starting in 2016. That could be simply that Hillary and Trump polarized everybody a lot more than Romney and Obama in 2012, but I also think the rise of smartphones and tablets being so ubiquitous helped as well - it was just too damn easy to tell everybody where you stood. 

    Which leads me to this - I think it’s going to be easier to determine the tight races through social media. Trump will be twittershitring every race that somebody tells him is close.  If somebody like Cruz ratchets up the personal attacks on social media, that means his internal numbers are not good, etc.  

  7. 1 minute ago, Brisketexan said:


    This entire process simply reinforces what we've known, and what women have been telling us, for years.  There's a damned good reason for a woman not to come forward with an accusation, ever -- she will be destroyed.  Sexual assault is awesome, it's an event that all but guarantees that you can be a victim TWICE!

    And the internet means that when comes come forward and are trashed by politicians and Trumpkins, that it’s going to hang around online forever.  

  8. 54 minutes ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    Great leader.... we'll have all the best people!  Sheesh.

    Have a feeling that quote is going to make it on several mid-term commercials targeted at women.

    The GOP is doing their best to turn off women and get them to vote in November. 

    • Like 1
  9. 11 hours ago, Jim Tom Pinch said:


    I know several women who are horrified their sons could have their lives destroyed by an accusation with no proof so I’m not sure what your anecdotal evidence proves.

    Tell those women not to let their sons post dumbass shit in their yearbooks implying they were banging girls and drinking like crazy. 

    I look at my yearbooks, and I see similar shit to what Kavanaugh posted.  And guess what?  I know for a fact those guys weren’t making that shit up. 

    • Like 1
  10. 8 hours ago, Mack Tripper said:

    I think they were going to wait until after the midterms, but if Trump fires Rosenstein on Thursday, all bets could be off. 

    Graham and the like would probably prefer to see the midterms play out (which is why they signaled to Trump to wait). If he conjures up the cojones to fire Rosenstein, he’s not stopping there.


  11. 1 hour ago, conVINCEd said:

    Out of curiosity, what does a firefighter’s schedule look like?  


    My brother-in-law is an HFD firefighter (paramedic).  In the last 5 years, I could probably count on one hand the number of times he’s had New Year’s off, July 4th, etc.   When he’s had a rough shift, it seems like he’s out of it for a few days after (lot of sleep), so it’s not simply just a shift of X amount of hours, there’s recovery time involved. 

    Harvey pushed him to the absolute limit, and he thought about leaving.  Even though they had mandated times they were supposed to be sleeping/resting, I know he and others from his station were voluntarily out on boats helping people when they should have been sleeping. It’s the nature of the profession. 

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