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Posts posted by atomheartbevo

  1. 1 minute ago, horncyclist said:
    4 minutes ago, Bateshorn said:
    If I'm McConnell, I tell Kavanaugh  to drop out this morning, I won't move your nomination.  Then tell Trump to nominate Barrett, you can start hearings in 3 weeks, which will force Dem Senators off the campaign trail, and then try to force a vote before the election.

    Yeah. Then you can keep blaming Dems for fucking up the process without the claim really being scrutinized. But, let's be honest, there's not really a good play for the GOP. They really screwed the pooch here.

    Amy is the good play for the GOP. 

  2. 15 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Cruz supports Trump, who called Ted a liar, insinuated that Ted's wife is ugly, and then tried to link Ted's father to the assassination of JFK.

    I'm pretty sure Ted doesn't have a spine.  He is literally -- in the true sense of the word --  an invertebrate.  What you see is an exoskeleton.

    Plus, however far Heidi Cruz falls below a 10, it's pretty clear Ted outkicked his coverage by a mile.

    “[The Supreme Court] has never suggested that the substantive-due-process doctrine ensures individuals’ ability to stimulate their genitals in ways that are neither connected to procreation nor associated with any particular lifestyle,” 

    “[The ban] is protecting public morals — discouraging prurient interests in sexual gratification,”

    Ted Cruz

  3. 1 minute ago, Gengs1 said:

    Didn't stop him from running and almost winning...

    No,  but in the end, he didn’t set the GOP in Alabama back too far.

    This has national implications  

    The problem for the GOP is that what actually happened is becoming less important than the Republican attitude of “we don’t give a shit what he did, let’s hurry up and get him confirmed before anything else comes out.”

    The GOP has forgotten that women vote in large numbers, and that millions have been sexually harassed at school, work, etc. and that’s not even getting into assault. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, horncyclist said:
    6 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:
    They lose worse if they proceed. A lot worse. 

    That's the calculation they're making. I think he withdraw s but I can see them saying "fuck it, let's lock up the Supreme Court for 20 years. We'll lose the Senate but that's temporary"

    Trump cannot afford to lose the Senate. 

  5. On 9/20/2018 at 12:24 PM, gmr548 said:

    The costs associated with existing energy infrastructure go far beyond the fiscal realm. Not only that, but the fiscal and non fiscal (and non-fiscal) opportunity cost of not being proactive in terms of reform will manifest itself in an ugly way. It will just be decades down the road.

    Ugly is a harsh word.  Some of them might clean up nicely. 




  6. 3 hours ago, Goredho said:

    Going to bump this back up in light of the new bombshell from the NYT and the clamor from the right to fire Rosenstein.  Anyone want to get on the purge bandwagon yet?

    If Trump thought he could start purging and get away with it, he would have done it well before now, before people started flipping, and not when it could hurt him in the midterms.  You’ve seen his recent campaign speeches - he’s worried about the midterms. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Tom said:

    If we're not careful, Stros is going to bring up Kansas as an example of the state we should be emulating so we can both be true to our trickle down principles and remain committed to poverty and debt.

    Would this mean we could hire The Purple Wizard?

    Asking for a friend. 

  8. 34 minutes ago, Lagunamadre said:

    Hypothetically. Trump's long game here is to fire Rosenstein and Session and appoint a more trump friendly, unrecused partisan as AG, a Linsey Graham if you will. With the hopes that the new AG with shut down the "witch hunt". 

    What DD meant, I'm assuming, is that IF that happened, big if, then all of Muellers files on the case wouldn't just go away, they would be transferred back to the FBI and the FBI would follow the leads. You can't just shut down the investigation, only transfer the "boss". We'd go from Mueller to Wray if Trump goes Saturday night massacre. Assuming Mueller already has the vast majority of evidence assembled, the FBI would finish the job. There is no hiding what's already been found by firings, if there is a crime, it's coming out, only wild card is who will be standing behind the podium announcing the charges. 

    Given how much he shit all over the FBI, I’m guessing they will be pretty enthusiastic about investigating him.  

  9. 14 hours ago, Celery Man said:

    I am curious about that - what it means in that poll to get R respondents vs D respondents and what numbers they are using to scale.  Registered republicans statewide as of last election?  Now?  I assume an R in that poll means that someone responded and identified as a republican?  I assume that they know what they are doing and don't see that poll as anything but bad news for Beto, but it seems like a difficult atmosphere to poll.  I registered as a democrat for the first time when voting for Beto in the primary, and really paused before doing so.

    For example, if you were an African-American Democrat, they might scale your response to be 60% of say a white Republican. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, LongestHorn said:

    If growing up, you had moves to pick up girls that include your hand over her mouth or duct tape, you are not allowed to sit on the US Supreme Court.  I'm sorry.

    What if the duct tape was not going to be used on the girl?

    asking for a friend. 

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