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Posts posted by atomheartbevo

  1. Given how much Trump has humiliated Sessions on twitter and in interviews, there's no way Sessions has his back.  Sessions maybe shit, but he's one of those proud old Southern lawyer types (hell, his name is Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III) who is going to get some payback against some Yankee sleaze bag.

  2. 7 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    I’m a firm believer that we should fight with everything we’ve got.

    I’m also a firm believer that it won’t matter, because it won’t ever be a fair fight again.

    One can hold both beliefs at the same time.

    The GOP is facing some demographic changes that will be hard to overcome, and so I have no doubt they will do everything possible to negate those changes.

    But....they can only do it for so long, and the worse they get about it, the more obvious it will be to the voters.

  3. 4 hours ago, Mack Tripper said:

    And then people will complain that the liberal Hollywood elites are out on the campaign trail for Beto.

    Those people bitching about librool Hellywood  eleets were never going to vote Beto anyways. 

  4. 4 hours ago, Lagunamadre said:

    I think Ellen will be a huge plus for Beto. There are a lot of housewives in the Texas burbs whose only view into the world outside of Fox and Facebook is shows like Ellen, the Oprah crowd if you will. They will like what they see, and a decent portion of them might be scandalous and actually vote for him...and not tell their husband. 

    And some of them might do it as their little way to get back at a hubby being an asshole  


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  5. 6 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Except for that whole election influence & manipulation thing.

    That's kinda new.

    They had four years to get it right for 2012, and couldn't.  And damn near didn't pull it off in 2016 - 80,000 votes in three states.

    And that whole election influence/manipulation thing on social media and the like, is obviously out of control of their hands, and that's a pretty dangerous position to find themselves in.

    And all that data that Trump, Cruz, etc. paid for through Cambridge Analytica and the like is still out there and still very useful.

  6. 2 hours ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    I mean, I'm not wrong. And this isn't equivalent to infestation-gate, this is simply a matter of fact declaration using a word that means something. Google invasion, this is what we did to the Natives in America and it's what any culture of illegal immigrants do to a sovereign nation with immigration laws of record. I am not necessarily saying that invasion is bad; an invasion of beautiful women and an invasion of those who give money away or whatever would be awesome of course, but realistically even an invasion of low-skill/low-value workers is valuable to us within reason. 

    Already happened.  They are mowing our lawns, raising our kids, cleaning our pools, and banging our wives (or at least the guy's wife about four doors down the street from me).

    This is for its own thread, but I've actually never understood the reasoning behind having a nanny who speaks hardly any English.   I get being cheap, but you're saving a few bucks and putting your kid into jeopardy if something happens.  And trust me, I see these nannies all the time consumed by their cell phones, same as a lot of the parents.  Too many of them ain't paying attention.

  7. So do any of the betting places have odds on Trump going out and admitting to one or two affairs and/or an abortion should the Russian stuff get even worse for him?

    Because that is exactly the kind of thing he would do - admit to something a lot of his followers already have admitted to themselves, but it would put the press in a feeding frenzy of sorts, diluting the remaining resources available to cover the Russian stuff.

  8. 1 hour ago, The People’s Elbow said:

    How in the flying fuck do you reconcile your first and last sentences? Today’s Democratic Party could fuck up a one-vehicle funeral procession. 

    As a whole yes, but it's still the same party that a certain Muslim Kenyan from Chicago named Barrack Saddam Hussein Obama was a member of.  Maybe you remember Obama - he won his first election by almost 200 electoral votes against a bonafide Vietnam War hero, whose running mate was a Trumpkin before there was such a thing.

    Trumpkins can wield a lot of power in the primaries, but if those types were unable to keep Obama from winning just 10 and 6 years ago, and they  barely lifted Trump over Hillary in three crucial states, I don' think we have to worry about Trump being reelected.

  9. 18 minutes ago, Chrispy said:

    Looking back, I bet they wish like hell they would have done just that. 


    14 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    lol. They absolutely should have done this. Is this cartoon arguing AGAINST the idea that the natives should have protected their land, culture and way of life from those who, as we have the benefit of hindsight, completely genocide'd them?

    It would have worked about as well as Trump's fabled wall.  Which is to say, not really.

    Maybe they would have asked England, The Netherlands, France, and Spain to pay for it.

  10. 14 minutes ago, Lurch said:

    A misdemeanor. Wherein they work for our businesses (often paying SS tax that they’ll never benefit from), pay rent and buy food, clothes and goods.

    Yes, they shouldn’t do it. Yes, we need to fix our broken immigration system where so many feel they have to.

    It's funny that we will jail them, but not the people who knowingly employ them or don't bother doing checking.

    It's not a mystery why they are here - plenty of "law-abiding" Americans are more than happy to pay them, including completely under the table, to do their lawns, raise their kids (which was alway a WTF? to me), marry them, etc.

    And they will keep on coming as long as they are hearing there is work here.

  11. 12 minutes ago, SimonBolivar said:

    I don't think that's going to happen. The parties are good at molding to what the people want them to be. We'll see a new Republican party after the fallout, but that'll be a long time from now.

    It’s gonna be 10-15 years at least.  Too many olds still alive right now. 

    But then it’ll be led by George P. Bush.  

  12. 16 minutes ago, Chrispy said:

    Sure, immigration is an important life blood to any thriving country and worthy of defense. Illegal aliens, on the other hand, have broken the law and should be treated accordingly. I’m with you on the Nobel Peace Prize, as I envision this divisive issue raging for the foreseeable future.


  13. 5 minutes ago, triplehorn said:

    You also have to wonder if Graham is being told what to do, and if he doesn't, his personal journey may take an unfortunate turn regardless what befalls the GOP.  

    Recall top intelligence officials indicated that the GOP was also a Russian hacking target but that none of the information obtained was leaked.  yet.

    A Shep Smith situation where everybody assumes what he won’t come out and say?

  14. 8 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    Though he said say something about whomever it is has to convince the Senate he (or she, lol) won't interfere with Mueller.

    If Trump grows a pair of balls and fires Sessions, he won’t stop there.  His impulsive nature is too strong, much like his twitter rants where he seems to have a problem with stopping.  

  15. 1 minute ago, SimonBolivar said:

    What kind of fucked up world are we living in where I'm rooting for Jeff Sessions...Jesus Christ.

    Trump forcing some kind of Nixon-style Saturday Night Massacre and firing Sessions (we know it won’t stop with Sessions) would lead to big Republican losses in the voting booth, and Trump being investigated by a Democrat-led Congress.  

    So Lindsay Graham might be completely fine with Trump being in hot water next year which, because if this all continues on well past next year and Trump keeps on being Trump and fucking with the economy, etc., it could hurt the GOP to the point of no return.  Basically, encourage Trump to fire Sessions now and out him on a collision path with impeachment  next year.

    The other possibility, and I'm swinging closer to this every day, is that Graham and others are scared shitless of what’s being turned up by the various investigations, and he and the others are hoping Trump can be taken down and take most of the heat instead of the GOP as a whole.  How many more Duncan Hunters are there?  Ryan’s little “keep it in the family” comment - what else could pop up with the Russian stuff?

    Graham is 63.  You know he’s planning on sticking around long after Trump is gone. If he’s playing a long game, encouraging Trump to do something stupid now will hurt the GOP short-term, but they could possibly bounce back before demographics start turning the GOP into a permanent minority party. 

    • Like 1
  16. 4 minutes ago, F250 said:

     He is close, his new contract ends when he is 84, so maybe that's the age it all shuts down.


    Community has been off the air for just over three years, and dang, did Chevy Age quite a bit. 

    • Like 2
  17. https://www.cnn.com/2018/08/28/us/texas-ice-child-death/index.html


    Yazmin Juarez, 20, and her 18-month-old daughter, Mariee, were detained at a facility in Dilley, Texas, "with unsafe conditions, neglectful medical care, and inadequate supervision," according to her law firm in a statement.

    Shortly after they arrived at the South Texas Family Residential Center in March, Mariee contracted a respiratory infection that her lawyers at the firm of Arnold & Porter allege "went woefully under-treated for nearly a month."

    Officials in Texas say they are investigating the case, and Immigrations and Customs Enforcement officials did not respond to specific allegations made by Juarez and her lawyers.

    Juarez and Mariee, who came from Guatemala, were detained by ICE on March 1 after crossing into the US via the Rio Grande. She sought asylum and the two ended up at the Texas facility, for almost three weeks, according to the law firm. 

    At the facility, Mariee became increasingly ill, according to a timeline of events released by the lawyers. Juarez repeatedly sought health care for her daughter, but didn't get the intensive medical treatment she sought and was prescribed various medication that didn't improve her daughter's condition, according to the timeline.


    At the facility, Mariee became increasingly ill, according to a timeline of events released by the lawyers. Juarez repeatedly sought health care for her daughter, but didn't get the intensive medical treatment she sought and was prescribed various medication that didn't improve her daughter's condition, according to the timeline. 

    After they were released from the facility, Juarez and Mariee flew to New Jersey where her mother lives, and sought medical attention there the next day. Mariee was hospitalized for respiratory failure for six weeks and died at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia on May 10, according to Juarez's lawyers.


    Juarez sought medical treatment for her daughter on March 11 -- six days after they arrived at the Dilley facility -- according to her attorneys. The toddler was prescribed Tylenol after a diagnosis of acute upper respiratory infection. 

    But her lawyers say Mariee's symptoms became worse, losing weight, vomiting as well as developing fever and diarrhea. During their nearly three weeks at the facility, Juarez sought medical attention for Mariee at least five times, according to her attorneys. During her time there, Mariee received various other diagnoses that included acute bronchiolitis and an ear infection.


    "After it became clear that Mariee was gravely ill, ICE simply discharged mother and daughter. Yazmin immediately sought medical care for her baby, but it was too late. Mariee died following six agonizing weeks in the hospital after leaving Dilley," according to her lawyers.

    THere are probably plenty of smug Republicans who have no problem with this.  Many of them will even pretend to be Christian. 

  18. 2 hours ago, TornACL said:

    Shocking news this morning as we find Donald Trump is an egosurfer

    There is no way he composed and typed out these two tweets.  Probably DMs he copied and pasted from Fox And Friends. 

    Good to see he wants to dictate how private companies function. That’s some GOP values right there. 

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