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Everything posted by atomheartbevo

  1. And you know the motherfucker that made that probably has Irish or Italian ancestors.
  2. Three episodes in and I like. Of course, they played a George Jones song so that’s always helpful.
  3. The problem for Putin is that the average Russian doesn’t care about Pokrovsk or even know where it is. They do know where Kursk is.
  4. Which one will be pandering at the Colorado State game today? I’m hoping neither. I wonder how many political ads we will see today.
  5. I like Biden in a corner with a dunce hat and being stabbed in the back. It’s lovely how Republicans are still so upset that he’s not in the race.
  6. Solid start, excellent soundtrack and cast. Hilarious premise.
  7. Where did we hear somebody talking about poisoning a country...seem to recall something about a European country saying that...
  8. If his last name was "Johnson" nobody would give a shit about him, especially with that voice, and he'd be just another Qanon crackpot.
  9. We all know that Raphael is going to be at the Michigan game, right?
  10. "The Wall" that he was obsessed with was always about hating brown people. Always. If he or the GOP actually gave a shit about illegal immigration, they'd go after the companies and people that knowingly hire them here in the US, and they'd work to stabilize the countries that they are from. It's not rocket science.
  11. Sounds like artillery almost, or maybe anti-air.
  12. This is where not having a coherent campaign manager/strategist like Karl Rove is torpedoing Trump's campaign - there's a reason George W. Bush called Rove "The Architect". Trump bouncing around like this is not only makes him look even more incompetent than usual and it's not getting new people out to vote for him. It's killing the enthusiasm of Republicans as well.
  13. You're leaving out Robert F Kennedy Jr in that field.
  14. She's responsible for Pearl Harbor and 9/11, did you know that?
  15. Not much, because at that time, the data was seen tone more about customer retention (customer coupons/mailers) and keeping store shelves stocked, without a massive inventory in the back versus later on where the customer data was more valuable. What did bug me was that we were asked to submit proposals, etc. on what we all knew was this (but we thankfully passed as we were too busy, and other groups got involved): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_Information_Awareness Not two letters.
  16. Toss in that he's a pilot in the Air National Guard - the DNC is going after the military vote (helped by Trump shitting on the military).
  17. One thing I'd like to know, and I'm not trying to be a smartass, is how much polling has changed over the last 3-4 years, now that many smartphones will flag political polls as spam, and people are constantly getting political polls mixed in with spam and scams in their texts. Are the polls relying on dumbasses who answer unknown numbers flagged as spam?
  18. One of my nephews DJed at what he said was a popular club in Houston (no idea of the name), and he shared the video with me. Holy fuck. The youth of today could not have handled the dance clubs of the 80s and into the mid-90s. Gen-Xers would have fucking destroyed them.
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