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Everything posted by atomheartbevo

  1. That’s what I’m thinking. We know the Russians are low on manpower based on the lack of response to Kursk, and if the Ukrainians pull a bunch of the Russian reserves inside of Russia into the Kursk region (not the conscripts, but regular army that are allowed to be deployed into Ukraine), what happens if they pull the Russians far enough into Ukraine and then just cut them off? The Russians will have no reserves, and no way to move troops from up north down there. I’m still stunned the Russians can’t muster a defense of Kursk.
  2. “I know he didn’t fuck a pig but I want the son of a bitch to deny it” LBJ or something.
  3. We are a few weeks out from the 20th anniversary of this, and I found myself listening to this video really hard.
  4. Star Trek and Pink Floyd go together better than I would have believed.
  5. I’m gonna laugh when Musk pays him to post exclusively on Twitter, or buys up Truth Social for pennies on the dollar.
  6. Wonder what that would look like on the larger radars - I'm assuming the radar waves might pass through the balloons?
  7. Well.....about that. https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/28/science/spacex-falcon9-rocket-grounded-polaris-dawn/index.html
  8. It's not about the championships you win, it's about the caddy wiping sweat off of you along the way.
  9. Do what Mathias Rust didn't have the balls to do - take out the Kremlin.
  10. Yeah, if I get access to a dead whale and happen to have a chainsaw, it's not going to be the head I take home.
  11. They will sell be within reach of Ukrainian drones and cruise missiles. I know people are talking about ATACMS, but I take this as a sign as well that their air defense has been seriously degraded, more than we probably realize.
  12. Belarus gave some of their best equipment to the Russians and it's probably already been used for target practice by the Ukrainians. If Belarusians start dying in Ukraine, that could start some shit in Belarus - it's not the biggest of countries. With that said, Lukashenko is going to be careful - he's got a small military, and he needs it to stay in power.
  13. All kinds of rumors about Crimea being next, Putin trying to move troops from the Kharkiv area over to Kursk, and shit is going down in Belgorod, and the Russian troops in the Kharkiv area probably can't get down to Belgorod because Kursk. Feels like the Russian army, at least from say Kharkiv over to Belarus, is in a really bad position. I listened to an interview with General Ben Hodges, and he mentioned that because the FSB is in charge of the response (because it's Ukrainian terrorists pouring over the border, dontcha know), and because the FSB and Russian military are not fond of one another, the Russian military could be slow-rolling their response, or at the very least, providing the utmost minimal support because they A) don't want any of their troops to be under FSB control and B) resources are slim to begin with and if they help the FSB, they could be screwing themselves over if the Ukrainians hit them. And he mentioned most military leaders don't want to see the FSB succeed. We have our turf wars in the Western militaries, man do we have turf wars, but we would never allow something like this - it really does harken back to the Soviet Union and the Cold War.
  14. Say what you will, but they knew how to peg like nobody's business. According to friends of mine.
  15. Maybe you stopped touching yourself?
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