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Everything posted by atomheartbevo

  1. Maybe you stopped touching yourself?
  2. JD Vance ever since RFK Jr and Tulsi joined Team Trump
  3. I have words, the flags have gold fringe, that means those digital cards are legal currency. paging @RDCanecutter
  4. Is there money in the wreath fund? NSFW language
  5. Me, in 10 years, if I’m not roaming The Villages.
  6. Yep, not a single fucking mention of what happened to the antique MacGregor putter.
  7. Discovery and Strange New Worlds start out running in parallel (think TNG/DS9) - Pike/Spock/Number One are introduced in season 2 of Discovery.
  8. You really need to see season 2 of Discovery before jumping into Strange New Worlds. Or not, but I recommend it. And if you were a fan of TNG/DS9/Voyager, you need to watch Lower Decks And if you need semi-nudity, on Lower Decks, you'll see the offspring of Meg Ryan and Dennis Quaid nearly showing off his censored. Or an animated Jerry O'Connell fucking a censored. NSFW 🚨
  9. To expand on something I said in another thread, I'm going to tell all of my MAGA relatives and friends and former co-workers here in Texas that as a patriot and somebody who was secretly inspired by Trump several years ago about the issues around illegal immigrants, I'm reporting everybody I know that's paid for labor performed by what I believe to be illegal immigrants to the feds, and I'm going to mention that I've been taking photos and recording conversations and saving texts for years. It's unfortunate that the economies in Denton, Harrison, Sabine, Montgomery, Williamson, and Johnson counties are going to take a very small hit as a bunch of people start doing their own fucking yard work, but it'll be made up by them paying more to licensed contractors to put on roofs and siding and clearing out trees. It also means I'm probably going to have the Christmas I want for once, as we aren't invited to a bunch of family get-togethers in Texas and Oklahoma, and can instead do our own thing. In terms of getting people to vote, I'm working on some folks who declare themselves to be moderates/old-school Republicans who might not normally vote, and pointing out that they survived Obama for 8 years and Biden for 4, and that once Trump is gone after this election, they'll have a chance to vote for the kinds of Republicans they used to vote for pre-Trump. Whether that works or not, I don't know, but not all of the moderates/fence-sitters are lost, and many just want Trump gone and then they will come down from pretending to be moderate or independent. Tim Walz seriously helps with these people a lot, when you send them stories/videos/etc. of him being the kind of person they would actually hang out with.
  10. How'd you fly under the radar and not get purged?
  11. Maybe we should start telling our MAGA relatives that, as patriots, and as people who want to save American jobs, we are going to make lists and developing proof and start reporting everybody, including relatives, and every company we believe to be hiring illegal immigrants.
  12. #14890342 reason why social media sucks. I saw a relative mention a week or two ago that if the Kerch bridge is dropped, that it will be a red line for Putin and he'll do something drastic. I would like to strangle this person (not related by blood) and scream into their face "MOTHERFUCKER THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF UKRAINIANS IN FUCKING KURSK AND IF THAT'S NOT A REDLINE, I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE IS, OUTSIDE OF MAYBE MOSCOW."
  13. Why didn't you put on a fake accent, look at the old guy and say
  14. Well, it started with RFK Jr getting horny over Tulsi Gabbard officially jumping on the Trump Train.
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