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Everything posted by atomheartbevo

  1. Unfortunately that's not "Fox News" as we know, but a local Fox affiliate. But still, every accusation is a confession.
  2. Seriously, today's message boards are just the fancy version of the BBSes from the late 80s and early 90s. And a whole lot of people predicted over the years that message boards would go away, replaced by social media, but here we have places like Surly, and places like reddit (which is arguably just a modern version of usenet). And Discord is kind of a hybrid of 1990s BBSes and IRC and ICQ. And here we are, and the boomers are actually using these things: https://discord.com/invite/democrats
  3. Most Gen-X thing said on this thread. Also, do we find it weird that Trump of all people picked a fucking Millennial as his running mate?
  4. It's note like the Bible has stuff about how Christians should treat foreigners......oh, whoops.
  5. Checkmate libtard, "COVID" doesn't exist, it's just a fever dream that 5G Fauci came up with while he was making anti-Caucasian bioweapons in China.
  6. Here's the thing - a huge chunk of Season 2 of Discovery introduces you to the Strange New Worlds crew, starting with Season 2, Episode 1. If you are struggling with Disco, I would say watch the S2 Discovery episodes with the Enterprise cast, and when that wraps up, hop back over to Strange New Worlds.
  7. People seem to forget that Snapchat has a spider/bug filter.
  8. Actually, that guy is one of a few hundred or few thousand evangelical types who won't vote for Trump - they will probably take a photo of their ballot/screen to show it, and then post it on social media. They want the attention and to feel self-righteous/self-important. These posts of mine have made quite a stir on social media over the past few weeks. But upon further consideration… I have decided to become worse. I regret nothing and will continue loudly pounding this drum in the coming months. You should too. Especially if you disagree. Why? Let me explain. No one paid me to say this. No one even asked me to say this. I simply rattled off my honest warning to the Trump campaign, after which hundreds, if not thousands, of other Christian voters organically echoed those same concerns. I am not sitting out this election. I am casting a vote for every solid Republican with a meaningful level of opposition to child sacrifice. But I will not cast votes for any Republicans who have compromised on this issue and who categorically refuse to establish equal protection for the preborn, and will especially not vote for those who are dragging the Republican Party leftward on the critical issue of abortion. That unfortunately includes Trump. If we evangelicals do not meaningfully oppose this leftward pivot on child sacrifice from Trump and other Republicans, we will be teaching them that they can betray what evangelicals say are our core values with zero consequences. If you still plan to vote for Trump, even as you mourn over his stance on abortion, I can at least understand why. But over the next few months, instead of countersignaling and even openly blasting evangelical voters who believe otherwise, you should redirect your efforts toward warning Trump and the Republicans that their leftward shift on child sacrifice is alienating voters and will severely cost them at the ballot box. The advent of mass child sacrifice heaps the righteous judgment of God upon our nation. I would encourage you to read Leviticus 20:1-5, Psalm 94:16-23, Isaiah 1:12-20, and other passages that reveal the heart of God toward justice for the fatherless and his wrath toward any nation which murders their own children. Why do you think we are seeing an invasion from foreigners, a constant threat of economic collapse, a flood of sexual degeneracy, and myriad other clear signs of national judgment? Because we have rejected the Kingship of Jesus Christ, especially by means of sacrificing millions of children to demons. Our national repentance must start with ceasing from the bloodshed. That is why Christians must preserve our prophetic voice on this issue and leverage influence over our civil magistrates to establish justice for the fatherless. That is why we must constantly labor to remain politically active and to support sound Christian men who run for office. That is why we cannot render ourselves powerless in the public square by remaining an assumed voter bloc for the Republicans. I refuse to reward betrayal with my vote. You should not reward betrayal either. May God grant repentance and heal our land. ----- These types of evangelicals are like Crossfitters.
  9. Who knew that barbers in Michigan could do a proper Kentucky Waterfall?
  10. This is where the lack of a Karl Rove figure is hurting Trump a helluva lot. Not that somebody like Rove could keep Trump in line, but there would probably be a lot less just shitting in his hand and flinging it around and seeing if anything sticks than there currently is.
  11. Yep, and given that she was the most MAGA of them there, her supporters seemed pretty respectful of law enforcement. Then again, several of the cops were minorities who were bigger than they were, so some fear maybe playing a part.
  12. Are people not aware that a whole shitload of cars from the major manufacturers being put out on the road these days have GPS trackers built into (or attached to) the diagnostics unit? It's the first fucking thing you should remove from your car, especially if you want to hook in your own diagnostics setup.
  13. ***UPDATE! First of all, I can’t thank you enough for the shares and messages...I have been sifting through them while Greg is in Austin with the police. We have been able to verify a few things. They were seen together Thursday night and we have managed to get a GPS on the KIA that is now in Colorado. Both phones seem to be there but both are turned off. License Plate VFS7528 White Kia Carnival. I have added a picture of what that looks like to this post. I have also been in contact with her ex-boyfriend’s father and he is being helpful and we are working together to keep each other in the loop. Please continue to pray for the safe return. Thank you all so much again.
  14. Just like Trump, never admit you’re wrong
  15. I’ve seen some comments from the OSINT folks that use Russian social media to get info on Russian deaths, etc., that on VK and a couple of the smaller services, sensitive stuff (like memorials to dead Russians) would get pulled down fast by the FSB but stuff would linger on Telegram. - there wasn’t a good system in place and it was like whack-a-mole. It’s telling that the Russian government and military were using Telegram for their communications - they must have felt somewhat safe with the encryption situation. However, those same OSINT folks said if you were plotting a coup against Putin, it’d be far easier to hide it on Telegram, and that’s what people are wondering about - if whatever meeting he had with Russian officials was either the “give us keys to the kingdom so we can monitor for future coup plotting” or “we are aware of some coup stuff brewing and we want to see who is involved, and by the way, you let this happen”. He’s a dead man walking either way if he is out in public in the West, at least as long as Putin is in office. Smart that he fled.
  16. Ehh, the best we can do is urge our MAGA relatives to show up and vote on the 6th.
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