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Everything posted by atomheartbevo

  1. Yep, my mantra was “please don’t let Coach find out I’m fucking his wife.”
  2. Taking out the last major ferry should have been the big glowing sign saying. “EXIT NOW” and yeah, if they can panic the civilians, they don’t have to take out the bridge, the civilians will jam it up on their own.
  3. What blows me away is that we are coming up on three weeks into the Ukrainian invasion of Russia , and Russia still hasn’t been able to muster a decent response. And if Western intelligence services got into Telegram, that means that apparently Russian communications are compromised, which will make it even harder for Russia to get their shit together. There is a very real possibility that Ukraine will either take Kursk in the next month or so, or cut off Russian forces above Kharkiv and towards Belarus (at the very least they’ll have to load stuff into Scooby Doo vans and drive the long way around, wasting precious gas). At the least, they will have a large area of Russia cut off from Russia as we head into the winter. And F-16s haven’t even been used yet (outside of shooting down drones and missiles) and we are just now loosening restrictions on the use of certain weapons.
  4. Russia found a solution to its ethnic problems….in Ukraine.
  5. I'm shocked that the Michigan GOP is throwing out Trump Republicans in favor of Bush-era Republicans. Guess some state GOPs are getting tired of losing within the state.
  6. Some people got really turned on when they watched Slingblade.
  7. Hezbollah hitting Israel. Israel hitting Hezbollah in Lebanon.
  8. Holy fucking shit, you're Chico Escuela?
  9. "So Alex, this was a means for us to find skilled drone pilots for our war in space." "So I wasn't really killing Russians?" "Oh you were Alex, you were."
  10. Yeah, I knew of that, and Jon Lovitz beating his ass or something over it.
  11. I'm not sure I've seen a full episode, and I caught bits and pieces of it in the 90s when it originally aired (I'd have to check when it aired to see what I was watching instead), but I came across this little retrospective and started watching about 15-20 minutes, stopped it so I wasn't spoiled any more, hopped on one of the only two places to still be streaming it - Roku (and I think Pluto). Amazon isn't any longer. I've got to say, it's a pretty fucking good show. Not sure if I would have appreciated it when I was in my 20s, but I do now, and it's aged very well.
  12. Ironically was going to be a part of the Trans-Texas Corridor nonsense, and stuff the Perot family was doing with inland shipping (getting stuff off and on trucks in Texas and off and on ships at Catoosa). One of the largest inland ports in the US.
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