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Everything posted by atomheartbevo

  1. Something that Charlie Kirk, Ben Shapiro, and JD Vance are trying to figure out.
  2. President Zelenskiy addressing the nation on Ukraine's Independence Day: Ukrainians always repay their debts. Those who wished disaster upon our land will see it come to their own homes—with interest. Anyone who sought to turn our country into a buffer zone should worry about their own nation becoming a buffer federation. Our people should never have known the cursed places like Savasleyka, Olenya, and Engels. Sadly, they do. And now, our enemy must understand what Ukrainian retribution means. To any location within the Russian Federation that poses a threat to our state and our people, a Ukrainian response will inevitably come. We will not allow our land, where the Blue and Yellow flag belongs, to be turned into a grey zone. The sick old man in Red Square, who constantly threatens the world with a Red Button, will not dictate his Red Lines.
  3. The man who authorised the use of his territory to invade Ukraine towards Kyiv in 2022 "congratulates" Ukraine on its Independence Day: "The Belarusian land has always treated the warm-hearted and hardworking people of Ukraine with special respect and warmth. For a long time, our nations found strength in unity, shared joy and sorrow, shelter and bread, overcame adversity together and were proud of their successes. We are united not only by a common destiny and family ties, but also by the desire to be friends and get along with our neighbors"
  4. In case the above gets deleted Elon Musk has complied after all and provided a list of X Holding Corp shareholders who helped the billionaire buy Twitter. And who do you think turned out to be the investors of the X platform? That's right, Petr Aven and Vadim Moshkovich. Now it is absolutely obvious where Musk got such love for Russia and where the roots of “filters” due to anti-Russian publications grow from. Let me remind you who Aven and Moshkovich are. Petr Aven is a Russian billionaire, founder of Alfa Group, which is one of the main wallets for Putin. This man is controlled by the Kremlin as much as possible, for example, in 2018 he traveled to Washington with his colleague Fridman to lobby on behalf of the Russian government to lift international sanctions on Russia. Aven is one of Putin's oldest friends. In general, without Peter's interference, Putin would be in jail rather than becoming president. After all, Aven covered for Vladimir Putin in 1992, when he organized the illegal trade in export licenses. Aven promptly approved him as an authorized representative of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Affairs with the right of foreign economic activity, thus saving the future dictator from prison. Aven also attended a meeting with Putin on February 24, 2022 to mark the start of the invasion of Ukraine. He did not express any protest, started the special military operation and silently supported Putin. By the way, he along with Friedman is trying to get sanctions lifted, just yesterday he received another rejection in this matter. Twitter is represented in the purchase by 8VC Opportunities Fund II, L.P., a company in which his son Denis works. Vadim Moshkovich is a sub-sanctioned Russian agrarian billionaire who was a member of the “Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation”. In other words, he was officially part of Putin's closest circle. Moshkovich owns Russia's largest agricultural holding Rusagro. Naturally, he also attended the meeting with Putin on February 24, 2022 and, like Aven, did not express any protest against Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Twitter is represented in the purchase by 8VC Opportunities Fund II, L.P., a company in which his son Jack (Eugene) works. Also an interesting personality is Al-Waleed bin Talal Al Saud, who both personally and through his Kingdom Holding Company is represented in the list of investors as many as three times. This man continues his investment business in Russia and does not publicly support Hamas in the war against Israel. He regularly works with Rosneft, Lukoil and Gazprom on investments in Russia. Knowing all of this, how can there even be a discussion about Elon Musk's bias? Everyone was thinking how is it possible that Twitter (X)'s stock is plummeting, advertisers are breaking contracts, and no one is doing anything about it. I mean, that's a direct loss to investors. But what everyone overlooked was the fact that investors didn't care about profits, they needed a platform to promote their narratives, such as: supporting Putin and Russia; lobbying to freeze the war in Ukraine; taking the Ukrainian agenda out of the top news; the righteousness of Hamas, etc. It is now obvious that all the changes to Twitter that are ruining this beautiful platform are a consequence of Elon Musk's collaboration with people like Moshkovich and Aven.
  5. There are changes coming. The US has been watching and learning. I know it’s Task and Purpose and he can meander, but he’s got some examples
  6. This guy has been pretty solid for the past few years. Of course he maybe getting misinformation from somebody trying to steer the Ukrainians away from a landing (i.e. "we know what you are doing"). The flip side is that Ukraine could have watched them move air defense systems out of those areas and back into Russia proper to protect refineries, storage, or even Moscow, AND saw that Russia had no reserves (to send up to Kursk) and thought it was the right time to strike.
  7. This is how you get Gen-Z on board. Steam achievements (IYKYK) Robert Magyar reveals details of a new program for Ukrainian drone pilots that offers financial rewards for hitting specific targets. The program also allows pilots to accumulate points, which can be converted into drone equipment for their units. The image shows a T-90 tank, which would earn the soldier who destroyed it a reward of 400,000 UAH (£7,500).
  8. If you read their subreddit, that sounds a little high for both Harris and Trump. Sounds like a shitload will stay home, with quite a few still voting for RFK in some states out of spite. They are in meltdown mode, first that he tried to join Harris's campaign, and then he joined Donald "Operation Warp Speed WAS ALL MY DOING AND I DON'T GET ANY CREDIT IT FOR IT" Trump. Edit: There's also plenty of morons who think this is all a ruse and that he will be popping back into the race next month.
  9. That and RFK's voice is going to drive Trump up the fucking wall.
  10. Russians robbing other Russians. hatetoseeit.gif
  11. We should be running ads in the battleground states telling MAGA that if they truly care about their children, they will move to a God-fearing state like Texas or Mississippi or Tennessee.
  12. This is a huge rookie mistake. We should be thankful that somebody like Karl Rove or James Carville is not running that campaign.
  13. So I get a fucking Amber alert in Austin when some kid goes missing in El Paso, but I'm supposed to believe that somehow 325,000 other kids went missing?
  14. Or just get a bunch of us to step out on the trail in front of them and start coughing and when they get close, ask them if they'd like to participate in our COVID-19 party, where we are trying to infect each other with the latest variant and then chug down some jugs marked "bleach". Or a bunch of us get CrossFit t-shirts from different gyms and get on the trail in front them and when they get close enough, we ask them if they are part of the CrossFit club that will be jogging this trail daily and everybody in our group starts pestering them to join this or that CrossFit gym and scream out the benefits of joining CrossFit and then call them quitters when they try to run away.
  15. bet he struggles communicating with his human wife when her mouth hole opens up and starts making noises.
  16. If you go read the RFK Jr reddit or any of the other social media/websites devoted to him, a whole shitload of long-time supporters are pissed at him, so I'm thinking a lot of them may just stay home. And I mean they are really pissed - they feel betrayed twice - first, that he tried to get something with Kamala and then betrayed again when he went for Donald "Operation Warp Speed" Trump. Those forums/social media sites are now being flooded by Trumpers and Dems trying to upvote/downvote and post to influence them where to vote in November, but the long-time people can be easily spotted with their histories. A bunch of them say they are going to vote for RFK where he's on the ballot as a "fuck you" to Trump. Just from reading their main subreddit, they were clearly never going to vote for Kamala, and most wouldn't vote for Trump because "he let Fauci run loose". The anti-vaccine crowd is a pretty "burn it all down" type of crowd.
  17. Yep, whole lot easier to get laid if you were also in band, versus the sausage fest that was a male baseball/basketball/football team. NTTIAWWT if you stuck to sports only.
  18. I like this comment: Organize a rival run club to run the other direction in force. I know most of us are 6-foot-tall and weight around 185, but there's gotta be a dozen or so of us that maybe a little shorter and top out around 200 that could block a trail.
  19. AISD elementary shooting potentially averted https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/possible-austin-school-shooting-thwarted-by-law-enforcement-court-documents-say/ This kind of stuff happens far more often than people realize (would-be shooters being caught/stopped from even trying it), but still it's always a little disquieting.
  20. I get what you are saying, but it could be that it's because the capabilities/guidance for modern systems are evolving to a point where the targets don't really matter - for the Ukrainians it makes sense for them to make as few models as possible, to cut down on production costs and complexity. We think it's nuts and wasteful that the Russians are using S-300s/S-400s to attack land targets for a lot of reasons (we wouldn't use Patriot missiles to do that) but from their point of view, it's easier to have one production line running than multiple. I bring it up, because the US Navy will be doing the opposite and fielding anti-ship variants of the Tomahawk at some point this year. https://www.marineinsight.com/shipping-news/u-s-navy-plans-to-equip-submarines-with-anti-ship-tomahawk-missiles-in-2024-to-counter-china/
  21. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/trumps-weird-debate-strategies-come-from-creationist-tactics/ Trump has a reason for lying, well a lot of reasons.
  22. The same Timothy Mellon who had this to say in his late 40s
  23. Yep. The RFK jr supporters I know were never going to vote for either party in 2024. Some of them voted Trump in 2016 and 2020, but there weren’t voting much prior to Trump and RFK tapped into the vaccine bullshit, but Trump still brags about it, and for some of them, it’s a hill they will die on.
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