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Everything posted by atomheartbevo

  1. Still so weird yet so cool seeing Humvees rolling through Russia.
  2. It didn’t help that, for better or for worse, a lot of people had already picked Biden aka “Help us Joe Biden, you’re our only hope!” Both because of his being Obama’s VP (mostly that) but also he had been around and could handle Trump.
  3. I hated what we had in the early 90s, but I can only imagine that it’s light years ahead of anything the Russians have in 2024. And you know that some Russian grifters have had their way with Russian stockpiles so the filters are probably all missing or something.
  4. If they leave the main bridge but take out everything else, including ferries, the fleeing civilians and Russian military will jam up the Kerch bridge just fine and take it out of action. And plenty of the civilians in Crimea are Russian military dependents as well.
  5. The special guest was a Surly poster who hadn’t been in CR in 6 months, and who was willing to cum on another Surly poster’s chest.
  6. Could go a lot of places
  7. Trailer finally out, mostly. Out on Christmas Day in theaters.
  8. Elmo is letting people do whatever with Grok, unlike most of the majors that have some restrictions on actual people’s likenesses.
  9. If Kamala asked me too, even if I had reservations about it, I would put a helicopter on your baby so that you can then lift it off of your baby. Also, to those of you taking about the Roman Empire I went almost 19 hours without thinking about the Roman Empire, and you kept me from my record of 27 hours,
  10. Paging @RDCanecutter or one of the Surly law dogs - gold fringe is a sign that the election has been rigged by Soros, right?
  11. I just took a peek and Elmo filled my feed with Trump shit and anti-Kamala shit.
  12. On Monday, this was us and between Monday and tonight, this happened
  13. We are going to get the Republican civil war we want. Trump is going to go scorched earth on any and all Republicans not 100% supporting him, and when he loses again, he’ll burn down the GOP. Because it’s never his fault, it’s always somebody else’s fault. Kinzinger is going to be catching a lot of flak from Trump over the next week.
  14. On the other hand, Fox News tops out in the evening with less than 4 million viewers, and anybody watching Hannity is not on the fence or a moderate.
  15. We know that Russian troops are definitely not prepared for such a thing, and he wouldn’t use one outside of Russia, so it’s not much use to Putin.
  16. https://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov/weather/current/KATT.html 109 yesterday at Mabry 107 today.
  17. You have a shit stick as well? Is yours made out of bamboo? Bamboo rocks, it’s lightweight and easy to brown/obtain. Or are you one of those folks who prefers a fancier wood, like rosewood or ebony from India (both of which are a pain in the ass to get into the country).
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