The dish washer detergent commercial that tells people to run their dishwasher every night because dishwasher uses only 4 gallons of water and handwashing dishes uses 30 gallons?!
First of all, if we’re pretending to be environmentally conscious, there’s no reason to run a half full dishwasher. Wait an extra day and use the same power and water to wash twice as many dishes.
Second, 30 gallons to wash one day’s worth of dishes? With a fire hose maybe. Fill up sink with 4-5 inches of hot soapy water. Rinse dishes in same amount of hot water in the other side of the sink or run the water at 1/3 wide open and turn off in between rinsing. Probably 5-8 gallons or less and no electricity other than water heater (which dishwasher uses too).
you’re welcome cascade
I’m not saying hand wash your dishes. That sucks, especially doing it every night. I’m saying don’t run your dishwasher 1/2 full and pat yourself on the back about being an eco hero.