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Everything posted by Lhorn

  1. I know. I’m a doctor
  2. Someone skipped gross anatomy. https://nypost.com/2024/09/04/us-news/alabama-husband-william-bryan-dies-on-florida-hospital-operating-table-after-dr-thomas-shaknovsky-removes-liver/
  3. You Austin guys may know about this but I didn’t. Bon Jovi did a song about a girl murdered in Austin. It’s a nice thought but not a real toe tapper. https://www.songfacts.com/facts/jon-bon-jovi/august-7
  4. The dish washer detergent commercial that tells people to run their dishwasher every night because dishwasher uses only 4 gallons of water and handwashing dishes uses 30 gallons?! First of all, if we’re pretending to be environmentally conscious, there’s no reason to run a half full dishwasher. Wait an extra day and use the same power and water to wash twice as many dishes. Second, 30 gallons to wash one day’s worth of dishes? With a fire hose maybe. Fill up sink with 4-5 inches of hot soapy water. Rinse dishes in same amount of hot water in the other side of the sink or run the water at 1/3 wide open and turn off in between rinsing. Probably 5-8 gallons or less and no electricity other than water heater (which dishwasher uses too). you’re welcome cascade I’m not saying hand wash your dishes. That sucks, especially doing it every night. I’m saying don’t run your dishwasher 1/2 full and pat yourself on the back about being an eco hero.
  5. I gotta admit I’m a bit checked out on sports other than Texas football and I don’t care enough about aggy to hate watch their games. I turned on the game last night late in the 2nd half to a 13-13 tie and thought “man, they are hanging in! Even if they lose, they’re gonna twist this into a moral victory.” I was wrong. That CW stat line……. Ooofffff! Is the bloom off the rose for “The Elk” and CW already?
  6. The no look made that play. Threw it right past the LB who was in position to knock it down at least if he hadn’t been looking at the WR Quinn was staring down. Sick pass
  7. Jake Smith…. There’s a name I hadn’t thought of in a while. I was bummed when he left. He could have been a good player. He and Bru ever amount to shit?
  8. I watched that clip 5 times before I realized it was no look. Now he’s just showing off. The WR depth is sick. Quinn’s gonna great this year.
  9. No injuries and a ton of guys got a ton of snaps. Good times.
  10. Listened to him do Craig Way’s pregame show. What a cool, personable, friendly, engaging guy. We are indeed lucky to have him as a leader of the program. He’s done a masterful job at rebuilding the program and doing it the right way. The team speed and depth are second to none.
  11. Tyrone Swoops and Case McCoy would like a word with you
  12. 31 point in the first half and Quinn throwing dimes. It’s Arch time
  13. I always thought it was weird that more Americans didn’t put a fucking apostrophe right in the middle of first names. - Jo’hn
  14. Mom is pretty hot. It’d be weird if we got together and I was X’s stepdad. He’d probably call me by my first name at first instead of “dad,” but I’m sure that’ll come with time. (assuming mom isn’t married)
  15. Great to see Keilan make a roster.
  16. My wife was chi-o (not from Texas) and I can vouch for this.
  17. Badass Longhorn. He’s 1b to VY’s 1a as far as having confidence that your QB is gonna do what it takes to win. Having a long career as a backup is an accomplishment. Lot of very talented college guys came and went and would have loved to have stayed in the league like he did.
  18. https://www.timesnownews.com/world/us/us-buzz/the-simpsons-getting-a-live-action-move-starring-adam-sandler-truth-behind-viral-trailer-article-112551643/amp
  19. Cooler months for me. I live in the Bay Area and it gets hot but not Texas hot. If I plant early spring it bolts quickly when it gets to 90 degrees or so.
  20. Damn, great day for Whitt. Love it.
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