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Everything posted by Lhorn

  1. I forgot the part during the interview where he claimed to create accounts and then sell them (@figurellisports hahahah) but that the new owners were required to retweet his personal account. Eventually I believed he claimed that it was not possible for him to get in contact with the people who paid him for the accounts. In 2016 why the hell would anyone want to buy a Twitter account with zero followers?! Twitter accounts are free. 🤣
  2. Subaru drivers love the WNBA and recently learned there’s a regular NBA too.
  3. Actually here’s a good link… https://www.hornsports.com/forums/topic/12108-the-daniel-figurelli-interview-warning-nsfw-language/
  4. My ignorant of the details recap - Daniel Figurelli aka Daniel Joseph and perhaps Daniel Wilson is a chicklet toothed retard who was an undergrad at UH. He hates us because he ain’t us and created sock accounts pretending to be UT fans saying racist things about potential UT recruits. Someone has to help me out here about how the sock accounts were linked back to him. His Scooby Doo caper blew up in his face and I’d like to think that Hornfans posters were instrumental in alerting Price Waterhouse Cooper that he was human garbage and they ended up pulling his internship. At some point he was interviewed by a website about the event and went OJ promising to find the real killers. Narrator: he found the real culprit…… in the mirror. He eventually fulfilled his scumbag, racist destiny by going to A&M as a post grad. He later popped up as “Rude Dog” again shitting on Texas this time as Daniel Joseph. Someone here found his wedding announcement and gift registry a year or two ago and I’d like to think Surly posters sent him a chaffing dish and some dildos. I’m sure I missed some details.
  5. Bro, do you even Suddenly? Loverboy? When the going gets tough? Get out of my dreams…? There’ll be sad songs….? Carribean MFin’ Queen? Only thing wrong with Billy Ocean in that lineup is he needs to be paired with other R&B killers instead of disco acts. edit - looks like a lot this acts aren’t straight disco
  6. Wait, he changed his name again? Did he take his wife’s last name? If so, did he tell his wife that that he was doing it because he’s a feminist and trying to tear down the patriarchy? Instead of the truth, he was trying to bury his racist past as the former Daniel Joseph and Daniel Figurelli? Just wait until the internet catches up with him and he has to get divorced just to change name again.
  7. I had to recalibrate my “how bad is it” meter so I checked out the IMDB ratings for two gold standard terrible shows. How does Small Wonder have such a good rating? Lol
  8. It’s the trans part isn’t it? Seriously, that’s a crazy story. Original sentence was 7 years……for trying to murder 2 people with an ax. Got raised by an additional 5 years. Glad to see the two victims survived.
  9. Just two dudes in a car? No that’s not “gay”, it’s not even “bi.”
  10. Lhorn

    Fat People

    Btw, I’m not saying I agree with the pushback. I think part of the solution to getting kids to accept healthier school lunches is to model that behavior at home too. Not 1 healthy meal at school and garbage for breakfast and dinner.
  11. Just out of curiosity, what part did you change? (Please don’t say battery - j/k). Old cars need a lot of work, but they are also very easy to work on. Good for you.
  12. Lhorn

    Fat People

    I think a lot of the push back regarding the school lunch thing is that for a lot of kids, they simply won’t eat school lunch if it doesn’t taste good. “You need energy to learn” and “this is healthier” are completely meaningless concepts at a certain age. So little bags of carrots rather than fries sounds great but if the carrots go in the trash and the kid goes hungry little was gained.
  13. Man, watch how fast he walks this back.
  14. I gotta say, I like this style of joke. Just simple, ham fisted setup and punch, put together with a picture that was probably originally used in a pamphlet for marriage counseling.
  15. Not to victim blame, and you certain never expect THAT to happen, but I think you gotta have your head on a swivel around a person carrying an axe in a convenience store. Ditto machete or baseball bat. Those people survive?
  16. Lhorn

    Fat People

    First of all, no one is “upset.” They are pointing out that it’s a ridiculous looking photo and the premise is ridiculous. The ad is saying “this person is obese, but she’s also a “next level” athlete.” She’s not. If you want to send a real world inspiring message to obese people, show them walking up hills, not doing an activity that looks cool but at her weight is almost certainly doing more harm than good. I say this as a guy who’s had cervical spine surgery in my mid 40s and if anything have been underweight most my life.
  17. Lhorn

    Fat People

    “Healthy fat”. If you can do a headstand, you’ll be fine.
  18. Lhorn

    Fat People

    There is an alternative…..
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