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Everything posted by Lhorn

  1. I celebrate her entire body of work.
  2. Lhorn

    Fat People

    Locally sourced and sustainably raised? If not, I’m out.
  3. Lhorn

    Fat People

    What is that graph showing?
  4. Lhorn

    Fat People

    I defy you to find quality micro greens in Houston’s 5th ward.
  5. For those of us out of the loop, what happened on the NY trip?
  6. It’s just a stupid meme, but if that’s his Jeep, isn’t that at least Korean War era or older? (I don’t know my Jeeps).
  7. His mom would be completely justified.
  8. Lhorn

    Fat People

    I was gonna blame the Mexicans but Texas and California both have a lot and Texas is far more obese than California. Maybe it’s CFS?
  9. People just drive around with chambered rounds in their rifles? Is this his dog? If so, I’d check to see if he took out any insurance policies recently.
  10. As chaotic as that looks imagine if all of those people had to be in 20 foot long vehicles in groups of 1 or 2. I guess it works for them. They should make crew cab scooters that comfortably seat a family.
  11. Maybe their sewer system is different than ours such that it’s preferable to have a can of stinky, poopy toilet paper sitting there all day stinking up the restroom. My proposed solution is this…hear me out…. Instead of cutting down millions of trees to make TP, we instead “recycle” poop, harnessing the technology that turns apples into Fruit Rollups, and make toilet tissues from human waste. Through chemical processing it can be made sterile and eliminate the smell. It really kills three birds with one stone (trees, what to do with left over poop, and because you’re wiping poop with poop, it can all be flushed). (Don’t try to steal my idea. I’m already working on a patent application.)
  12. I’m confused. Is she not Asian but identifies as Asian or is “identifies as” the new way to say “is.”
  13. I guess because they are in the playoffs? Otherwise strikes me as slow news day. If the allegation (often the most sensational version of the event) is a push then that could mean a lot of things including him trying to get away from her. Often the allegation (of non NFL guys) is “he picked me up and threw me across the room!” And the reality is a hard shove.
  14. I’m hearing on here is that there might be a huge untapped market for a crew cab El Camino variant of a Prius……
  15. Lhorn

    F cancer.

    I’m sorry lil’Mac.
  16. -It goes real slow with the hammer down, -it’s the country fried truck endorsed by a clown.
  17. Is it supposed to say something?
  18. Lake Placid wasn’t terrible. Good cast for what it was, so…… I thought I’d check out Lake Placid II. Mistake. Stink-a-roo! Almost the exact same premise. Single small town cop, hot game warden chick, arrogant big game hunter, etc. Every character was cast with an actor who was a step down from the original cast except for the game hunter. Special effects were Sharknado level bad.
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