It’s a long story that I thought about sharing here at times just for moral support but about 1.5-2 years ago she really decompensated. It was Covid time here in California and they had been away from school and just started to go back which she wanted to do. She just started being one of those kids who wouldn’t go to school on the morning. Can’t give you a reason why. Every form of “persuasion” seemed futile. She expressed suicidal thoughts, was doing cutting on the forearms etc. she started seeing a psychiatrist but it wasn’t helping much. We moved out of state because the environment there was so toxic (it’s better in Idaho but there are shitty kids everywhere).
There was definitely oppositional defiant behavior. Wouldn’t give up the phone at night, never did what she was told. Angry, sometimes borderline violent outbursts. Basically terrorizing her family (she has a sister too) for no good reason. Gradually things got better. She was getting therapy but I think it was more med changes. Mood is better. Doing very well in school. Treating her family better. There are still bumps in the road but things are better. My belief is that she has some bipolar tendencies.