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Everything posted by Lhorn

  1. Lol. Just like I thought. Ya got nothing. You are all insults and “your momma” jokes like a 10 year old but I ask you to show me where I said anything that justifies your response and you suddenly you’re tired of the discussion huh. You don’t even know what I’m talking about huh?
  2. Where do you think I said something that disagrees with “physics?” Don’t tell me what AHB said or what someone else said, show me what I said. And show me where I professed to believe in flat earth. try not to be a child. The foundation of your rebuttal should not include the word “cumstain” or a “your momma” joke or any childish insult. I don’t think you can do it but I’m pulling for ya.
  3. More childish name calling. You are quite the word Smith. I think you might be lashing out at me because you think I represent the collection of people who disagree with you. I am not. Im expressing my own opinions. Sorry if they don’t jive with yours. you called my responses political. Show me where I make any accusations about politics. To be clear this could have happened under any president IMO.
  4. Thank you for your civil response. I’m not sure I’m convinced completely but I know that some of my beliefs and yours will never be fully confirmed. Your responses seem at least reasonable, thought provoking and don’t rely on infantile momma jokes so thank you for that.
  5. Lol. You are unhinged my friend. I guess “your momma” and glory hole jokes count as well thought out rebuttal on Surly. Continue posturing as the angriest guy in the room and shouting down anyone who doesn’t agree with you. Throw in some more jokes about mommas because it’s really convincing. I now see it your way. ‘Merica, love it for gtfo right?
  6. I don’t doubt it at all. I never implied otherwise. If you think so, show me where. What I am suggesting is that while one portion of our military or most of our military might be completely on the ball, there might be other areas where we are stepping on our own dicks. I missed most of the discussion about the balloon. I’ve heard it suggested that we’re completely on top of the situation the whole time. Knew exactly what the balloon’s capabilities were and knew exactly what information they acquired with the balloon- in real time. The latest reports are “we don’t think they learned a whole lot” and that determination was made after the fact, not in real time. if we are incapable of tremendous lapses in our national security then how did the balloon, multiple balloons get to our airspace? Could we pull that off with China or Russia? I’m asking because I don’t know the answer but would guess that radar would pick it up. If one were to say that ballon’s fly too high for radar to detect, then why are we surprised by this. There are likely hundreds up there now. I’m certainly not saying they acquired vital information but I don’t think we need to make it easy for them by letting surveillance balloons traverse the entire country unimpeded. By the way, I hope and pray that whatever surveillance they are doing, we are doing 10 fold.
  7. Surly assured me that our surveillance of the balloon gathered intimate details of its capabilities and that we knew exactly what information was being transmitted back to China. Lol! “frequently wrong but never in doubt” should be our motto. I fear our military is far less Jason Bourne and far more Gomer Pyle than we’d like to believe.
  8. Alternatively you could try to be accurate instead of acting like a cunt when you get corrected?
  9. No but has Terry won an NIT championship? Check and mate!!
  10. I think since he staring at her ass so hard he ought to consider them even.
  11. I’m glad you agree that it was your fault.
  12. https://www.espn.com/mens-college-basketball/game/_/gameId/401522165 Aggy doesn’t understand. You simply don’t send a boy to do a man’s job.
  13. Reminds me of this commercial which was so over the top douchy that I almost couldn’t believe that I had seen it. From Super Bowl 2017 “Do I tell [my daughter] that despite her education, her drive, her skills, her intelligence…. She will automatically be valued as less than any man she ever meets….” No one is telling or implying that girls. Stop lying.
  14. You forgot “take your plaque psoriasis by the haunches and fuck it into submission!”
  15. Lol, fuck me!! Why is this so hard?! Arrggghhh. thanks for trying to help me out with this. I’ll try again
  16. https://twitter.com/golfweek/status/1625889834857267202?s=20
  17. Thank a lot. I’ll try that out. Like you said when in just tried to paste, it was blank. https://twitter.com/golfweek/status/1625889834857267202?s=20
  18. Yep. But damn, she took that punch better than Jerry Cooney. Hell yeah she did. Surprised she still alive but she just calmly composed herself on the floor and got up like nothing happened.
  19. We’re so important to the NCAA that they do our bidding and set up matchups to sink our former conference rivals? If aggy had won we’d be playing them right? If anything, NCAA would want aggy to have won to set up the Texas/aggy matchup. That conspiracy theory makes far more sense. Problem is the NCAA underestimated aggy’s suckage and turns out aggy couldn’t keep up their end of the bargain, losing to a lower seeded team. Enjoy the off season losers
  20. I’m doing this on an iPhone, not on Tapa if that matters. It’s the embedding part where I’m falling on my face
  21. Furk. I get the copying the link part (by Clicking the arrow labeled “share”) but it wont let me simply paste the link into the reply here. If I click on the little chain link in the bar above the reply field and paste the copied link into the box, this is what I get (above). btw, thanks for helping us regards with this. For some reason it’s simple on other message boards I go to but I can’t get it right here.
  22. https://twitter.com/golfweek/status/1625889834857267202?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1625889834857267202|twgr^dc4dc42522acd30d17187bb21ea063c210e93da3|twcon^s1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.surlyhorns.com%2Fboard%2Findex.php%3Fapp%3Dcoremodule%3Dsystemcontroller%3Dembedurl%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fgolfweek%2Fstatus%2F1625889834857267202%3Fs%3D21
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