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Everything posted by Lhorn

  1. I personally am waiting for the Captain Caveman and Grape Ape origin stories.
  2. Lhorn

    Would You...

    It’d be racist if you didn’t.
  3. The gif that perfectly encapsulates what it means to be an aggy
  4. Like 90% of it is the titties.
  5. Nice! Snap on fans boys would be all over that. Can I ask what something like that goes for?
  6. No, more like these : https://softopper.com/?gclid=CjwKCAiA5Y6eBhAbEiwA_2ZWIakefM4LVXWaMk2zU3lUi4leGFN7LDLqQkm1gyZsl9TrpA9nc30aFhoCS_MQAvD_BwE
  7. Disappointed they didn’t beat him with the guitar like the Honky Tonk Man.
  8. Anyone got anything good or bad to say about the fabric truck toppers? Mainly concerned about easy of putting on/ taking off and longevity.
  9. Oh yeah, user name and all…. I have no interest in rooftop tents but that was the first thing that pops up on their page. Btw how are people putting rooftop tents on everything with wheels. Roofs of pedestrian cars and crossover SUV are usually only rated for like 80-150#
  10. But you would buy faux leather womens boots. Jk.
  11. Not to victim blame but those prices are ridiculous. Brand name rooftop tents for less than a hundred?! Sorry you got scammed. That sucks.
  12. And aren’t they supposed to be like 15 years old?
  13. I guess Velma is supposed to be edgier and more sarcastic but the clip makes her seem like a “mean girl” punching down on Daphane and Fred because they are less intelligent and shallow. Fred of course has become straight garbage.
  14. I thinks just voices by an Asian? I’m not real familiar with that site but by logging in you can view some reviews. It’s gets absolutely panned for every reason under the sun other than the checking boxes casting. It sounds truly awful.
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