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Everything posted by Lhorn

  1. Great point about Whittington’s contributions as a blocker. He definitely got other players yards and TD they wouldn’t have gotten if he were a selfish teammate. His contribution to the team is far greater than the numbers he puts up. The opposite of Worthy. My hope that Worthy stays is primarily FOMO; that he’ll go somewhere else and out up big numbers but I don’t think that happens because I don’t think he’s the type who will suddenly care about route precision, or sell out to catch a ball that’s not perfectly thrown. And he’s never shown the ability to make tough catches and he drops a lot of easy balls. I have no idea who Brennan Thompson is as a player, have no idea what Neyor will be like coming off an injury, Cane is who he is, and you dont want have to rely of true freshman. Hope was can find a killer via the portal.
  2. Well if he’s the guy I hope they have the proof to convict. I was really afraid this was going to end up a cold case.
  3. I don’t get the criticism of Whitt. I agree he’s not lived up to 5 star and he doesn’t play as fast as you’d think but he gets open, has very good hands and moves the sticks. He doesn’t pull away from defenders but he fights for yards. He plays in a part of the fields where there’s a lot of traffic. He’s less likely to have huge gains. He’s reliable, physical, high effort guy. He’s a way better number 2 receiver than Worthy is a number 1 receiver or Cain is a number 3 (or whoever we consider the no 3).
  4. Don’t buy the broken hand thing. I could be wrong but seems like a convenient excuse for dropping a lot of balls. Problem is he’s always dropped a lot of catchable balls.
  5. Exactly. Keep my slot receiver’s name out of your fucking mouth!
  6. Wow. That’s a pretty big one. RIP to a pioneer.
  7. Pool noodle? I was thinking patio furniture cushions.
  8. Woof. I hope that’s SLJ in a wig because if it isn’t…
  9. How was the “massage?”
  10. Same. Don’t give a shit. Feel zero desire for internet comeuppance.
  11. “Yo man, you wanna turn your music down a bit. It’s kinda loud. Preciate it.” -words that man has never heard spoken.
  12. Lhorn

    D'onta Foreman

    Amazing comeback story. Despite winning the Doak, I’d contend that he was under appreciated nationally during his final season at Texas. It was the 3-5 yard runs that made him great. On a team with little offensive talent and a poor OL he rarely got caught in the back field or for negligible yards. Always found a way to get yards where none existed.
  13. Man that wrote up by Tarp is brutal if you are an aggy. The two things that gave them hope after a 5 win season were: 1. Expectation for a “big dog” OC hire that would take control of the offense and 2. Restocking talent quickly through the portal. Now they ain’t got shit to hope for. Just blind faith that minus some of their young talent that left, they are essentially going to do the same thing next year and somehow it’ll work better. I look forward to the civil war between the realists and the sunshine pumpers when the new, underwhelming OC is announced.
  14. She’s right in my wheelhouse. Smoking hot brunettes who can’t cook for shit.
  15. Uh, that’s not how you spell “knights.” Former school checks out.
  16. Ho Lee shit. That was straight up regarded. Fucking Lol. So much fail. Girl in thigh high water didn’t look like she wanted to saved at all.
  17. Holy shit. From the distance he was from the snow, didn’t look like he’d be in jeopardy but that shit just kept going.
  18. Let us know how it goes. I happen to have an acorn squash in the fridge with no specific plans.
  19. You are retarded but that’d be a great idea too.
  20. What kind of morons would give a guy a 10 contract worth 95 million? You’d have to be regard….. oh yeah…
  21. Embarrassment of riches.
  22. Lol. My dad would slap me in the head if I asked him to stand in that picture like a dork while I’m sitting on a golden throne.
  23. amazing. He says that without a hint of irony.
  24. Gerry and Bobby need to invest in worse cameras.
  25. Noice!
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